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Candidate for Hair Transplant?

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I have uploaded some pics of mine. I am 28 and one of the doctors that I consulted, suggested that I am NOT a candidate for a HT because my frontal hair is sparsely populated and that will fall of soon. I am wondering whether these are genuine reasons NOT to go in for a HT?. Some members of this forum, suggested that I post some pics here so that I could get some educated feedback from the veterans.


Please help me!!!


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I have uploaded some pics of mine. I am 28 and one of the doctors that I consulted, suggested that I am NOT a candidate for a HT because my frontal hair is sparsely populated and that will fall of soon. I am wondering whether these are genuine reasons NOT to go in for a HT?. Some members of this forum, suggested that I post some pics here so that I could get some educated feedback from the veterans.


Please help me!!!


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  • Senior Member



I am glad to see you back. First of all, I am very glad you went to what seems to me to be an ethical physician. Almost anytime I hear of a doctor turning a potential patient away it makes me happy to know that even if it is possible, it may have been out of that particular physician's ability to correctly perform the procedure. This constitutes that they have a level of ethics that is so-commonly not present in this industry.


Now, on to your photos: I have seen cases similar to yours receive adequate results. (Some before/after pictures of results in your class of hair loss.) Bear in mind that I am only going by your pictures and I am NOT a medical professional dispensing medical advice. Your donor area looks full and thick, but so does your actual hair shaft "thickness." This has at least two implications: If your donor area is as thick as it looks "dense" wise (how many hairs per square centimeter) this is a very good thing. It means you have a large amount to transplant. Also, your hair (the actual thickness of the individual hairs) looks very thick. This can be very beneficial to you in regards to the actual look of coverage you can receive from a quality transplant. Many patients that have rather thin hair shafts will always have the problem of adequate aesthetically-pleasing coverage from the lack of this hair thickness.


My advice:


1) Consult other physicians. You did not specify who you went to for your initial consultation. At this time, it may be irrelevant. If you truly want to explore your options, then I would get the opinion of at least three or four more qualified doctors. A good one will be able to give you a "ball-park" judgment on whether or not you are a good candidate from these photographs alone.


2) Once you get suggestions from each of your chosen doctors, follow up. See if they can give you a phone consultation. A truly ethical physician should not mind spending the time addressing your concerns and telling you about their plans for your precious donor supply. Whatever you do, do not run off to the first doctor that offers you what you want to hear. That is where the ethics of the physician will come into play.


3) Do your homework. Read this forum and you may want to consult Regrow Hair to get an overview of the procedures offered today. Ask questions on the forums to get truly objective points of view from the "hair transplant veterans" that are here. Scrutinize, scrutinize, scrutinize.


4) Whittle your physician choices down to who YOU feel comfortable with. Which physician addressed your concerns adequately? Which spent the time making sure YOU were comfortable with what was going on? Remember, you will have to live with this person's handi-work forever.


5) You may want to consider a regimen of Minoxidil and/or Finasteride if you have not already started. These are the only two FDA-approved drugs on the market today to combat hair loss. At the very least, they usually help you to hang on to the hair that you currently have. That is very important. You do not want your existing hair receding from behind those precious implanted grafts.


I wish you the best of luck. RegrowHair.com has a list of competent physicians called the Coalition Physicians that you can refer to to give you a starting point. Ask about their techniques, speak to former patients, view former patient photographs, and ask around on the forums what the general consensus of this doctor may be. More likely than not, there has been a patient from him/her before. Remember, you DO NOT want to let geography (where you currently live as opposed to where the physician is located) be a large factor in your decision. If you live close to a qualified doctor that you feel comfortable with, great. If not, many will offer plans that help to reimburse travel expense. Don't forget to ask about this.


Lastly, before calling any physician, write your questions and concerns down. It is very easy to forget these in the moment as conversations can go off in different directions taking your train of thought with them. If this sounds belittling, I apologize, I am only telling you this because this has been an issue multiple times before.


Most of all, I wish you the best of luck and to research, research, research!!!!


If you have any questions, don't forget to post them. You will be getting an answer to your question and possibly helping someone else that is or will be in your very position in the future. That is what these forums are for!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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