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Quitting Minoxidil = byebye baseline. True or false?


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Hi all :)

I have decided to stop the use of minoxidil foam and liquid. Although the foam was much better than the liquid with no dandruff/itching. The reason I quit is because I've noticed facial side effects as dark circles under eyes, wrinkles, bloating face and bags under eyes after using Kirkland minox foam. And some of these side effects have been reduced by under one week off. I used Minoxidil once a day for about approximately 4 month (not consistent), and also Finasteride for approximately the same time, mayby a little longer (0,25 mg everyday). I have seen some results, but its not better than baseline(before I used Minox). I am quite aware of the horrible shedding I will experience in about 3 to 4 months after quitting minox, but IMO it's better beeing bald and have a young face, than having a head full of hair and a crappy face. I have buzzed my hair short all this time I was on minox, and hopefully Toppik will cover some of the shedding I will experience in a few months. Hope anyone can give their experience after quitting minox (if there is someone here who ever stopped?;P) Will I recover to baseline after the post-minox shedding phase? or is my hair doomed forever after started to use (IMHO) this crappy product (minox)? Don't even try convincing me to stay on minox. I will rather shave my head (looks much better than a thin scalp) than continue using Minox. Note that this is NOT a attempt to scare anyone from trying minox. It's a great product for those who don't suffer from these side effects I have experienced. I also have ordered a new product called Spectral DNC-N. (N for Nanoxidil). I know I know it's a new product, not fully tested and different users review around the web. But I think it wouldn't harm trying it, shouldn't give the same side effects I had with minoxidil because theres no minoxidil in it. Unless theres someone on this form having a bad experience with nanoxidil? Thanks for any help and input Best wishes to y'all PS sorry for bad english ;P

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  • Senior Member

Hello Hohf,


It is good to hear about your proactive efforts regarding hair loss even if a negative situation occurred with Minoxidil. Erring on the side of caution is a must until you have a medical consult. There are always a number of individuals who exhibit adverse side effects from medications. Even over the counter ones. Since it's introduction into the market it was readily known that cessation of Minoxidil meant that a persons hair loss will return to normal. Wikopedia reports the following:


"Minoxidil was first used exclusively as an oral drug (with the trade name 'Loniten') to treat high blood pressure. However, it was discovered to have an interesting side effect: hair growth.[1] Minoxidil may cause increased growth or darkening of fine body hairs, or in some cases, significant hair growth. When the medication is discontinued, the hair loss will return to normal rate within 30 to 60 days."


I hope this helps, all the best, Michael.

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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Hello Hohf,


It is good to hear about your proactive efforts regarding hair loss even if a negative situation occurred with Minoxidil. Erring on the side of caution is a must until you have a medical consult. There are always a number of individuals who exhibit adverse side effects from medications. Even over the counter ones. Since it's introduction into the market it was readily known that cessation of Minoxidil meant that a persons hair loss will return to normal. Wikopedia reports the following:


"Minoxidil was first used exclusively as an oral drug (with the trade name 'Loniten') to treat high blood pressure. However, it was discovered to have an interesting side effect: hair growth.[1] Minoxidil may cause increased growth or darkening of fine body hairs, or in some cases, significant hair growth. When the medication is discontinued, the hair loss will return to normal rate within 30 to 60 days."


I hope this helps, all the best, Michael.


Thank you so much for the well answer Michael:) I am now tapering down the useage from once daily to once every third day. Do you think that by doing so I will reduce the risk of getting telogen effluvium?, that many people state will happend if you stop minoxidil? Thanks for any reply:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hello Hohf,


There are strong indicators and reports that stopping the usage of minoxidil will lead to the advancing of baldness to it's previous state. Remember Minioxdil effects hair loss by reducing the effect of DHT. It does not change the follicles genetic predisposition to the adverse effects of DHT which is miniaturization. I encourage you to take an online consult if that works with our clinic or any recommended clinic in this forum. It would put your mind at ease with professional medical advise and set you on the optimum course. All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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