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Concealers vs Wig Systems


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What is the major difference between them as it seems to me that concealers are much more cost effective but maybe wig systems might require less maintenance. I just want to know if there is something else I am not considering

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depends on how much hair you have. i went about three years comfortably using courve concealer, toppik hair fibers, and a bunch of hair spray. my hair was about three or so inches on top and i was able to blend everything in pretty well to conceal any thinning spots. i'm now shaved down to a buzz cut and switched to using dermmatch, no fibers, and nobody can tell as far as i'm concerned. it took me a while to find the best way to apply it so it doesn't look like i totally painted my scalp, though. the hairline is the hardest part! and of course, i cant get wet AT ALL. at least, i don't want to risk even trying.


as far as a wig goes, knowing it was fake hair plus even risking the chance of anyone ever finding out/having it come off would be worse than being bald, in my opinion.

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