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How long minoxidil will continue to work?


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I've been scannig hair loss - transplant forums for severals months.My hair is miniaturizing all over the scalp.I'm a norwood 2 for now but it will possibly evolve to NW4a in the near future.As in the title, I couldnt found a clear answer to above question yet.I'll start using minoxidil this week but this question preoccupies my mind : How long minoxidil will continue to work? İf it stops working after 4 year, what options will remain for me? How many people are there for whom minoxil continues to work for ten or more years? When will somebody find a permanent way to stop DHT? Will I manage to keep my miniaturizing hair until that time?

I'm losing hair for 5 years.I'm NW2 but I'm looking like a NW4.My scalp is full of hair follicles but many of them dont grow and my scalp even shows itself when hair is dry, long.I cant still believe this is happening to me but I have to do something to deal with this.

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I've been scannig hair loss - transplant forums for severals months.My hair is miniaturizing all over the scalp.I'm a norwood 2 for now but it will possibly evolve to NW4a in the near future.As in the title, I couldnt found a clear answer to above question yet.I'll start using minoxidil this week but this question preoccupies my mind : How long minoxidil will continue to work? İf it stops working after 4 year, what options will remain for me? How many people are there for whom minoxil continues to work for ten or more years? When will somebody find a permanent way to stop DHT? Will I manage to keep my miniaturizing hair until that time?

I'm losing hair for 5 years.I'm NW2 but I'm looking like a NW4.My scalp is full of hair follicles but many of them dont grow and my scalp even shows itself when hair is dry, long.I cant still believe this is happening to me but I have to do something to deal with this.

My photos attached


Thanks for replies.


First of all, I really don't understand, how you could be waiting for 5 years without any treatment? That's the first big mistake.


As for the question, how long minoxidil will work, it is apparently very individual. The longest studies that we have at disposal are from late 80's, and they showed that at least one-third of patients was regrowing hair on minoxidil even after 4-5 years. And that was 3% minoxidil! Some others stabilized, some others experienced new hairloss after several years, in some others it didn't work.


Personally, I have been on minoxidil for 16 years, and it is still working (although I added finasteride in June this year). In any case, if you experienced a decreasing efficiacy, you would simply increase the dosage. And if you really value your hair, you would add finasteride as well. But remember that once you jump on minoxidil, there is no way back. The hair dependent on minoxidil will be immediately lost, if you quit it.

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