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Time to make some moves! Need some input


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Hey everybody,


Im 25 years old. Ive been noticing my hairline has been receding the past few years. Baldness runs in my fathers side of the family. Its now starting to get to a point where i feel uncomfortable.

I decided to do something about it. After doing some research online it seems like Rogaine and Nizoral is a popular combination. From my understanding one would use Rogaine twice a day everyday and Nizoral once or twice a week. What do you guys think about this approach to the situation? Do i use my regular shampoo in between the Nizoral uses? Any advice or opinions would greatly be appriciated. Thanks in advance

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  • Senior Member



Welcome! You've taken the right first steps by being proactive regarding your hair loss. Starting a regimen of medical hair loss treatments may help you to retain the hair you have and potentially regrow some of the lost hair. However, you should be aware that medical treatments alone will not likely fully restore a receding hairline.


I personally use both minoxidil foam (generic Rogaine) twice daily and Nizoral 1% twice weekly. While I like the way Nizoral makes my hair feel and I do believe that it provides some degree of very mild DHT blocking, it is almost certainly the Rogaine that is the better of the two for treating hair loss.


Having said that, the most effective medical treatment currently available is Propecia (finasteride). Combining finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral (the big three) is arguably the best way to go and certainly covers all the bases. .


Any male serious about keeping his hair should consider this option. However, as with any drug, there are side effects to consider. I suggest carefully researching these drugs and also discussing them with your doctor.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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