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PCOS and other stuff


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I saw a dermatologist, who based on my ccharts, (NOt my scalp) said I have Seborrheic dermatitis and then he looked at my hair and since my chart that I have PCOS. so then with his little light on his forehead, he looked a little bit at my scalp in front and said I had 50% loss at vertex and parietal areas. Now, I'll be honest. I went in because i notice a lot of shedding and I totally stress about it. But I 've never noticed areas. Don't you all think I would have noticed myself if I had areas that had 50% loss? Wouldn't others see that as well? All, I notice is lots of shedding. Do you think he could really make that statement with just a light on his forehead and looking through a few areas on my head?

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  • Senior Member
I saw a dermatologist, who based on my ccharts, (NOt my scalp) said I have Seborrheic dermatitis and then he looked at my hair and since my chart that I have PCOS. so then with his little light on his forehead, he looked a little bit at my scalp in front and said I had 50% loss at vertex and parietal areas. Now, I'll be honest. I went in because i notice a lot of shedding and I totally stress about it. But I 've never noticed areas. Don't you all think I would have noticed myself if I had areas that had 50% loss? Wouldn't others see that as well? All, I notice is lots of shedding. Do you think he could really make that statement with just a light on his forehead and looking through a few areas on my head?


Hello Mamaherrera,


Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is considered normal. The best way to confirm hair loss at a medical is through a microscopic evaluation or better said a miniaturization study. Our centers medical director Dr. Mohebi, does and extensive study and evaluation of patients hair loss. This is done in about an hour and also provides the patient with information on the predictability of future hair loss. This is an important fact when considering hair restoration. The best thing would be to do a specific consultation with an HTN recommended surgeon. Many even will consult online as our centers do. If you post some photos members here and myself would be able to offer you more advice. All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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so are you saying that a diagnosis of 50% hair loss in a certain area can't really be made just looking at the head with a light?? That is needs diagnosis? My husband calmed me down (because this made me go crazy when he said that) that if really you had that much of a hair loss, you would notice a difference in pore spacing compared to other areas, and my part/ whereever I part it looks the same. I mean, sure, I wouldn't notice a 10% difference, but I would think a 50% difference would be noticeable if you compared to a "healthy" area no? Like I said, I measure my pony tail, and it continues to measure the same. I went to get advice or to check parts of my system that could cause high shedding, but he just made that diagnosis and didn't bother to check iron, thyroid, nothing. I've been to four dermatologists here, and no one has microscopes or hair pull tests or anything. Why in Albuquerque are there no people who can confirm or make an intelligent diagnosis? I often think, mine is more telogen effluvium, chronic, but no one tells me anything, and at 32, to hear you've got 50% hair loss in areas, as a women, that's tough to take.

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I also have PCOS and suffer from male pattern baldness. Since I did not know that male pattern baldness was a symptom of PCOS I never really paid much attention to the volume of my hair and if I was losing it until it was too late.




It is possible not to notice any hair loss, especially in women as we do not expect it. We are told that men lose their hair not women. So, when it is happening it is easy not to recognize.




Pictures of me in my early 20's shows a woman who has very thick hair and a decade later I had hair but not as much volume. Since, I always changing my hair style from perming to wearing it up etc., I didn't see the change It wasn't until a hair stylist I have never been to before told me my hair was thinning. Since, she had never seen me before I did not pay her much attention. A few years later, I noticed a small area on my part line had disappeared, I figured it would grow back. It never has.

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so are you saying that a diagnosis of 50% hair loss in a certain area can't really be made just looking at the head with a light?? That is needs diagnosis? My husband calmed me down (because this made me go crazy when he said that) that if really you had that much of a hair loss, you would notice a difference in pore spacing compared to other areas, and my part/ whereever I part it looks the same. I mean, sure, I wouldn't notice a 10% difference, but I would think a 50% difference would be noticeable if you compared to a "healthy" area no? Like I said, I measure my pony tail, and it continues to measure the same. I went to get advice or to check parts of my system that could cause high shedding, but he just made that diagnosis and didn't bother to check iron, thyroid, nothing. I've been to four dermatologists here, and no one has microscopes or hair pull tests or anything. Why in Albuquerque are there no people who can confirm or make an intelligent diagnosis? I often think, mine is more telogen effluvium, chronic, but no one tells me anything, and at 32, to hear you've got 50% hair loss in areas, as a women, that's tough to take.


Hello again Mamaherrera,


I empathize completely with your position. I cannot speak to the practice of the doctors you have been too. I can say though some dermatologist have knowledge of hair loss but generally they are not the best specialists unless that is the focus of their practice. Hair restoration surgeons are fully committed and focus on hair loss, it's causes and treatment. HTN keeps a database of recommendations on this site. Our clinics follow a 5 Step Management program for women's hair loss; developed by our medical director Parsa Mohebi, MD. It can be found on our website and it will inform you as to the best approach a doctor should take.


As a patient advocate I often interact with people like you coping with the emotional side effects of hair loss. The critical importance is in you having an accurate diagnosis. If you have not had success with local physicians you might consider and initial online consultation. Our clinics often to do them with success over Skype and assist long distance patients in getting the help they need. We also have a toll free number and you could get more detail recommendations for your path ahead. All the Best, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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