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Help! 18 year old guy worried sick!

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  • Senior Member

Yeah, 30's and 40's are still a pretty young and socially/sexually active time of a person's life these days, and you're gonna want to keep all the hair you can during those times at the very least.


My temple recession started way back when I was like 18-19 as well, although I only learned this years later from looking at old high school pictures; I was oblivious to it at the time. You're way ahead of that curve, and your crown looks great, with minimal frontal hairline loss.


It won't be like that in 2-4 years; you'll have a little bald spot in your crown and a waaay-receded hairline, especially at the temples. You better get on that Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) like ASAP. Your thin little wispy hairs will thicken back up, and you won't lose much more, if any. Right now is a really crucial time though, or you're definitely going to be suffering in bald silence or dropping upwards of ten thousand dollars on a hair transplant by your mid to late 20's.


Get on it, man. Don't screw around. Seriously.

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  • Senior Member

I've read a lot about it and I don't think I'm going to have an HT, at least not any time soon.... It also costs a fortune in my country, I'd have to use all my savings from when I was 14...


Good God, how much does it cost? Mine was only about $7,300 USD. Save up some cash, buy a plane ticket (probably around $1,500 to $2,000 for round trip), and see if you can couch-surf at someone's place for a week or two in British Columbia for Hasson & Wong or Oregon for Dr. Gabel, or someone else. You could get a whopper of an HT in the U.S. for less than $10k total USD.

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You can start on medications if you want as I'm sure you'll find a doctor that will write a script for you. The problem or lack of a problem is that you have no visible hair loss.


Hair loss truly is unpredictable....I started noticing some loss around when I turned 19 and have only advanced slightly now at the age of 38 (NW2). Obviously I wouldn't be on this site if I wasn't concerned about my own loss, but I'm kind of a perfectionist, and would never pull the trigger on a transplant until it was the only option. You are not REMOTELY CLOSE to a transplant. In fact I wouldn't even think of one if I were you. Two very well respected clinics told me that my hairline is quite low and that most guys my age would love to be in my situation hairwise, yet my hair is not nearly as good as yours.


In my opinion keep an eye on the situation and enjoy your life. Don't listen to those that say you'll be bald in 5-10 years.


Again, your hair looks completely NORMAL and the recession you are noticing may simply be a maturing of the hairline. If it starts thinning behind and in the hairline you may want to take action in terms of medication or other treatments.

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  • Senior Member

Hello Ice,


Great to see your taking a prudent approach and of course your Uni Degree is an important part of life's journey so all the best on that. If you have typical Propecia results than that will be just great for you. Make sure you have a medical doctor follow you through the treatment to mitigate any side effects if they occur. Stay in touch, Michael

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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There 's nothing you need to worry about. i would recommend you oil your hair at least once a week because that's the best cure for hair loss issues and since your yet young i strictly suggest you to follow this. Also eat a lot of green leafy vegetables because just giving your hair nourishment externally wont help you need to give your hair the food it needs. Tc

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hi Peter,


Though good nutrition is important for over all health and that some topical treatment of skin and hair offers some cosmetic benefit; the scientific evidence does not support you statement here. There are myriad anecdotal reports but no definitive studies. Propecia and Minoxidil are the only proven treatments being recommended by the FDA and therefore available in the United States.

Michael James is a Patient Advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi, who is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network; and not a physician. Visit Us On: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn


Comments give here are only for intellectual consideration and in no manner to be construed or accepted as medical advice. It is important to seek the advice of a physician in all medical circumstances including hair restoration, dietary or others directly or indirectly related to the subjects in this forum

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