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Advice for HT in Thailand Pls


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Hi, I'm new here.firstly great site. I'm 40 with thinning hair, a Norwood III vertex and from Australia. I've decided to have a HT in Thailand because here i found three of the four surgeons i spoke to be little pushy and not every comforting, the fourth booked me for a consultation in a break while in surgery, plus i'm on a very limited budget.


I'm tossing up between Dr. Suradej Pong (more in my budget)and Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich. I've checked out both galleries and testimonials and think if someone were to randomly present pics from both doctors it would be tough to split the two. I'm aware Dr Pat has more recognition internationally. But who knows what's install for Dr. Pong in the future.


So i suppose I'm looking for some support and opinions from patients.





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Hi Icarus


i just went thru my HT with Dr Pong about 20 days ago. I can't speak of the results now cause its too early, but i can share my experience with you about the procedure.


the procedure itself was mainly painless except for some injections here n there. Dr Pong does only 1 patient a day so you can be sure he will be attending to you while doing the procedure.


when i was in Dr Pong clinic, i personally saw 1 of his ex-patient. The ex-patient went for his 2nd HT with Dr Pong few days before me and was going for his daily post op shampoo at his clinic. Dr Pong then show me the ex-patient's before and after his 1st HT photo, and the results are great. Anyway, if the results aren't great, he wouldn't be showing me that too.


my immediate post op seems very similar to what i saw from patients' blog, i.e. the dense packing, the angle the grafts was placed and etc.


Dr Pong's charges is definitely cheaper than Dr Path, but ultimately its the results that matters which i can't comment at this point of time. i hope that i chosen the right surgeon.


Maybe you can do an online consultation with both surgeons and see which doc do you feel more comfortable with.

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Dr.PATH has trained Dr.Pong and many others also Dr.Path has many many years experience at doing strip.

if you want a med to large session then stick with coalition surgeons id say for better scar and better density.

good luck

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If money is the major deciding factor you could consider Doctor Kulakarn who is the second surgeon at DHT Clinic. I had my surgery with her in August 2010 and I had a good result considering my level of hairless (norwood VI).


She uses the same facilities and hair technicians at DHT Clinc and at the time of my surfer was the same price as Doctor Pong. Doctor Pong's patients are posting more results and you would probably be okay having a HT with him.


Good luck with your decision.





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