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How soon after shower can I apply Rogain foam?


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Hello all


I was just wondering how soon after I get out of the shower can I apply the Rogain foam.


Or maybe a better question would be, how dry should my hair/scalp be?


A few times I have tried it pretty much right after where I have just only waited a little bit after drying my hair with a towel (hair is rather short) so the hair is still a little damp and this seems almost better as the foam seems to stay liquid more and is better for spreading it around.


Also seems like since the existing hair is still a little wet that it isn't just acting like a sponge and sucking up most of the product before I can get it to the scalp.


But I just wonder if this moistness is watering the product down or doing something else to it to weaken that apps effectiveness?


So should I really wait longer or is what I'm doing OK?


Thanks for any help.

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