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Biostem US Corporation President Announces Study Results on Stem Cell Hair Loss Treat


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  • Regular Member

Nov 2011


Biostem US Corporation a regenerative medicine company, announced completion of a two year study on treating Alopecia Areata, thought to be an autoimmune disease, which causes sudden hair loss.


On October 28th, John Satino, President of Biostem, announced results of a two year consumer study conducted at a Biostem affiliate clinic in Florida at The international Stem Cell & Cicatrical Alopecia Symposium. The Symposium was held in Bethesda, Maryland and sponsored by Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and The National Institutes of Health Rare Disease Research Office.


The study involved 700 patients, with results showing renewed hair growth in 80% of the participants. The treatment, developed by Biostem, includes a combination of the patients own blood, utilization of growth factors, laser treatments for bio-photo stimulation, and a nutraceutical designed to stimulate hair follicle growth. This unique combination of treatments is known as "The Biostem Method."


"We are very encouraged by these positive results and our ability to help the large number of men and women experiencing hair loss, said Satino. Biostem will continue to improve the process, and expand its availability to licensed medical practitioners through a license and affiliate program to be available in the next few months."


A central focus of the Biostem Method uses the patients' own blood which is processed to become Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), a concentration of the body's own cells which contain healing and growth factors. PRP has come to recent national attention when used to treat soft tissue repair in notable athletes such as Tiger Woods and Terrell Owens.


While the Biostem Method must be performed in an office setting, Satino noted that the nutraceutical supplements, which are an essential part of the process, can be obtained separately by contacting the company.

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