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Crown thinning or double whorl?


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Hello everyone,


I'm a 30 year old male (31 this Dec) and I think I've been experiencing some crown thinning for the past few years - it was first noticed by my ex-girlfriend about 2-3 years ago, although it hasn't really gotten any worse since - I've always kind of had thin hair, even as a kid.


Anyway, my father is bald (it happened to him in his early 20's, although he still has sone residual hair on the top pf his head, but mostly just the characteristic horseshoe ring around the sides. My mother also has thin/thinning hair, but she's not going bald.


My younger brother has a more pronounced spot than me (he'll be 29 this Dec), although he works in a high-stress job.


I have naturally oily hair - the photos were taken on a day I hadn't washed my hair for a while, so it appears thinner. I also notice, on occasion, enough hair in the drain to clog it (keep the water from going down in the shower).


I used to be into bodybuilding about 5 years ago, and am kind of back into now, wondering if maybe the testosterone/DHT production associated with the sport may have had an impact on my follices.


I've noticed that my hair generally just feels thinner than usual (all around my head everywhere, although the only spot where it actually LOOKS thin is the crown)


Anyway, I have these two spots that look like balding. My father and others gave commented that they're just a "double whorl," but I'm not sure. Can anyone take a look at the pictures below and comment?


The way my hair looks now is pretty much the way it's looked for the past year or two at least. I have been under a lot of stress in the past year - wonder if that has anything to do with it?


Thanks in advance for the help.





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  • Senior Member

I don't think it is a double cowlick. I would suggest getting on Rogaine and/or Propecia to help prevent further loss, but it doesn't look too bad.

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