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Rogaine Side affects - advice needed!


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I had been usning the rogaine foam 2x daily for 4 months with good results.


In the space of a week that all changed, I experienced serious itching, redness

and super dandruff and the worse bit, when I applied the rogaine my scalp

would weep - ugh disgusting.


So obviously I stopped using rogaine all together.

After 2 weeks the those side affects had gone away, so I tried again.

I used a tiny amount of rogaine, less then half a capful and only used

a small amount of that. within a day the all the side affects above were back.

so ive stopped using it altogether again.


I realise now that at the beginning, I most have used to much and caused

over absorbation, And I didnt realise you had to wash it off after 4 hours.


The question is now, can i ever use it again without the symptoms returning.


Is there anything I can do to treat these side affects ?


I guess I should go to the docs, but I doubt they would help as its self inflicted ?



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  • Regular Member

Hey there.


At this point, you most likely just have a dry scalp that needs proper treatment. It's hard to say if the last application of rogaine foam is the cause of the itchiness, or if its a different factor like a change in shampoo etc.


I would recommend keeping your scalp healthy by using nizoral or a TGEL shampoo. Another great way to get rid of the itch is to buy a shampoo or a conditioner with Tea Tree Oil, as its very soothing on the scalp while getting rid of excess buildup from products. Make sure to also apply conditioner to keep the scalp nice and moist.


I've been using rogaine for over 10 years, and I learned that you need to rotate one of the above shampoos in order to keep your scalp from getting irritated.

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Thank you very much for the reply.


I have already started using Nizerol but only in the last couple

of weeks, I will certainly do what you suggest re rotating that with Tgel.

And will give the rogaine another try in a week or two when my scalp has

had time to recover.


Thanks again!

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