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side effects of minodoxil and foltene treatment


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I had a good amount of hair on my head but was experiencing severe hairfall, which was quite noticeable after a headbath or while oiling my hair. I would also find lots of strands of hair on the floor and bed and on the pages of the books i was reading. I went to see a doctor about it.

She prescribed Using Foltene and alternate it with 5% Minodoxil. Along with that she told me to use shampoo by DUCRY and told me to have

1tablet of Casera (antioxidant formulation-VitaminA 2500IU, VitC- 100mg,AlphatocopherolAcetate-25IU, Betacarotene-6mg, SodiumSelenate-55mcg,Zincoxide7.5mg, Sodium Molybdate-25mcg). Afterbreakfast


2 tablets of Xtraglow ( Biotin5mg, L-methionine 40mg , Lcysteine100mg) after dinner.


I regulary applied foltene and minodxil on alternate days at night for 3 months.


After 3 months, the foltene was stopped and I was told to use only minodoxil everyday. After four months the hairfall had arrested to a great degree and I noticed that my hair density had increased.


After 8 months, I had to stop applying minodoxil at night because I had to study as my exams were coming up and I noticed that I did not wake up fresh due to application of minoxdil. I would feel sluggish in the mornings.

So I gradually waned the medicine and completely stopped taking the tablets and applying the medicing over a period of one month.


After this I noticed that ,my hair had thinned even more than before i had started treatment.


Should I have stopped my medicine even more gradually? over a period of 6 months?

should I start the medication again? Or is it an unavoidable sideeffect of minodoxil that once you stop taking it the hairfall starts again and hair thin even more?


I spoke to another doctor who is not a dermatologist and he said that minodoxil should only be given to balding people, if people who have hair apply it, they risk losing more hair as the existing hair, get used to the extra stimulation through blood flow due to dilation of blood vessels which is caused by minodoxil.


i still have good amount of hair on my head but the hairfall is quite distressing. I would like to have hair as I did in my late teens. I am 25 years of age. Also i believe my Hairloss is not due to excess DHT (bihydrotestestestrone)-the hormore responsible for baldness but growth of hair on other parts of the body- because I have very less hair on my body and also grow a very patchy beard.


I welcome ur suggestions and views, of what I should do now.

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