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I pulled the trigger - now onto Day 4


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As some of you may have read from some of my previous posts, I decided to *finally* go ahead and schedule my procedure last week with Dr. Brandon Ross. The whole experience was excellent and it wasn't until I was driving home that I had the moment of 'wow, I just got a hair transplant'!


I had 2680 grafts with most rebulding the temples and hair-line with around 500 for the top of my head which was slightly thinning. On Day 4, I can wear my hair normallly and talk to my room mate and he doesn't even realize (he's pretty blunt and would say something I'm sure) so that was a confidence booster.


I was amazed by the level of medication I would have to take but for good reason and I've been regimented in the post-op care. On Day, the recipient area feels like a buzz cut - I've never felt a dense packing of stubble in this area for 20 years so I'm looking forward to seeing the results. It will almost feel strange to have these hairs disappear (yet grafts are in tact). My goal is to return to work on Day 11 and have no-one notice due to my hair styling. I think I can pull it off.


The donor area feels tight and a little sore while the recipient area feels much better. Right now my hair doesn't fall that naturally because I pad it dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing but hopefully by Day 9-10 the grafts will be secure enough to resume a 'regular' albeit careful routine.


It feels good to walk around having this procedure without shaving my head and the packing looks pretty dense although to be fair I had a generous donor area being a NW 3 - NW3a.


I wore a baseball cap loosely today that didn't rub or irritate the grafts since i went outside.


The procedure and care was excellent from Dr. Ross, now let's go onto the results. I'm not eager to see immediate regrowth either, I actually welcome the slow grow phase because it's so much more natural :)


I'll keep you posted.



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Thanks, I'll definitely try to post something soon. As of day 6 now, I had a small amount of pain towards one end of the donor area but nothing too serious.


There is no redness or or heavy scabbing so I think I'm healing quite well. I return to work after day 10 but already I've been out in public wearing my hair the usual way and to my knowledge I've not noticed any strange looks. I'm excited to get beyond the 1-2 month phase and then see what happens between 3-6 and start to see some new growth. The fact that I can gradually style my existing hair into new hair (or at least the prospect) is appealing and one of the reasons why I chose Dr. Ross. It's obviously way too early to talk about progress but the patient care was really excellent.


I'll keep you posted.


On a side-note, I was reading articles about Gordon Ramsey's HT and how even the more respectable 'news'papers incorrectly report facts and want to mock. It's this kind of idiocy that made me hesitate for so long and now I'm glad I pulled the trigger. Breast augmentation, botox, waxing, teeth-whitening etc are all the norm so why is HT still so mocked and frowned upon? Half of Hollywood is wearing a weave and/or HT.

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  • Regular Member

congratulation Artie you will not regret your decision. I had my second HT with Dr. Ross in April of 2011 and I am very happy thus far. Just remember to be patient it's a slow process and full results should be expected in 12 month.

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