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Hi guys,


I would appreciate some advice regarding my hairloss.

I have been suffereng for at least 7 years with loss especially over the vertex. Now Im also seeing a lot of scalp in the front as well. I am 32 and I have tried all the shampoos etc for preventing loss but recently I am seeing a lot on my pillow when I wake up from sleep.I have a few questions:


1. Finasteride

I have always said that I dont want to take anything that will give side effects but now Im starting to think again. My questions are:


a. Is it lifelong?

b. If you stop taking it will you lose the hairs again?

c. Should I start now or wait a few years(I am not married and would like to have children in the future)

c. Can you get it online?



2. Minoxidil

a. Is it also lifelong? Will you lose more hair if you stop taking it?

b. How bad are the 'shock' hairloss you get from it at the start?



3. Transplant

a. I have been told by some 'consultants' that my donor area is quite poor and this one clinic said that I am a poor candidate for HT. What do you guys think by looking at the pictures?

b I read that doctrs usually dont like to perform HT for vertex loss. Is this true?


I guess a lot of the questions have been asked before but I would be grateful for some advices.


Thanks a lot!





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  • Senior Member

The treatments that really work (Finasteride/Minoxidil) have to be taken for as long as you wish to continue benefiting from them. Once you stop taking them, you would probably see your hairloss pick up pace and carry on as it was before you started treatment.


Both of these treatments can cause a period of shedding (which you mentioned in connection to the Minoxidil) which some users do find makes a significant negative impact on their hair before the shed hairs return.


It's best to start treatment as soon as possible. There really isn't any reason to wait. You can buy Finasteride online, but I personally don't know which the recommended sources are.


The vertex can require a relatively high number of grafts to give a good cosmetic improvement. Doctors will perform surgery on this area.


Regarding your donor area, it would be wrong of me to give you any sort of definite opinion as I'm not a doctor and I only have a couple of photos to go on, but from what I can tell it doesn't look poor.


If you were to have surgery, would you be looking to just address the crown or are you also interested in hairline work? Your crown might improve to the point where you no longer see surgery as necessary if the treatments work for you.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Guest elisetonjos

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