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Early Hair Loss


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(Look for pictures on my profile, I'm not sure how to add them)

Hey everyone,

I am very new to the hair loss community. Recently, within the last 18months I have been receding in the temples. Since I am only 19 years old, I want to bite this thing in the butt before it completely destroys my self-esteem.

Recently, I have met with a local dermatologist and she had recommended using Rogaine for 6 months on the temples. After 6 months, she said to re-evaluate the situation and get on Propecia if needed. Currently, I am just finishing my 1st month and have noticed no change.


One of my questions is what should I expect from these two products? With Rogaine, should I expect to see any regrowth? Or will it merely halter the hair loss situation? (I realize that results vary with the individual, but I am just curious what my expectations are). Also, if I do go on Propecia, what should my reasons for going on the prescription be? Should I go on Propecia if I don't experience any change with my temples at all? Or is no change a good thing (meaning, that Rogaine has haltered the hair loss temporarily?)


If either of these products halters my hair loss within the next couple of years, I would LOVE to fill in my temples surgically. Would FUE or Strip be a good choice? I have no idea to be honest, but I have seen such great results in the hairline with Doctors like Armani, Feller, and Rahal and it gets me so excited. If I can halter my hair loss, then a transplant could give me a moderately straighter hairline, rather than the “M” shape.


Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated guys. Like I said, remember that I'm only 19 years old, but I hope that early action will lead to better results in the future?


Thanks again,


Edited by cperry23jd
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Rogaine (minoxidil) works by revitalizing miniaturized hairs allowing them to grow in longer and thicker. In other words, if it works for you, it will add density and may grow "new" hairs that were previously invisible.


Propecia (finasteride) has the potential to slow the progression of male pattern baldness and grow new hair also.


The best course of action is to use both of these drugs in combination.


At 19, you are not a candidate for hair restoration surgery. You should concentrate on medically stabilizing your hair loss.and keeping as much of your existing hair as possible over the next 10 years.


I know how frustrating it is to be 19 with a receding hairline. I was once there myself. But, restoring a juvenile hairline is rarely a good idea and definitely a bad idea in someone so young. You simply have no idea at this point how far your hair loss will progress. You don't want to be chasing your hair loss with multiple procedures until ultimately running out of sufficient grafts.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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