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Finally i start my long journey towards hair restoration


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hello mates,

after having seen losing my locks for last 7 years,i have finally decided to take a step towards restoring it.i had a procedure done on 19th march 2011 from Dr humayun mohmand in pakistan after doing a lot of research on choosing the surgeons. i had 2050 grafts done in first procedure.i have posted pictures of my hair loss condition before procedure and pictures 2 days after procedure are also being uploaded.i would request all of you mates to have a look at them and be with me during this long journey of hair restoration.any comments, suggestions would be of great help to me and i will appreciate it.
























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Hi Sintraco,


Your HT looks good to my eyes. Follow your doctor's instructions and sit back and wait for the results. Don't good impatient waiting for your results and look at yourself in the mirror every 10 minutes :).





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Congratulations on making the decision to take control of your hair loss! The hair restoration journey takes a lot of patience and a little faith but your work looks very clean and refined.


Don't expect to see any significant changes for up to 4 months. I suggest taking monthly photos for comparison.


I hope you will continue to update us on your progress.


Happy growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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cheers mates for taking time to reply.i will keep u updated and post monthly snaps.so far evrything is going smoothly and i have been religiously following doctor's instructions.the only thing i am struggling with is trying not to dislodge grafts while sleeping.i have never been able tp sleep straight.i've been instructed to sleep straight.i have somehow managed to do so for the first 4 nights after procedure but this morning when i woke up i just goit the feeling i had moved around on bed, which had put me in stress that i might have dislodged a few grafts.although there is no visible bleeding on the graft area.i have bit of itching on scalp which i can manage during daytime when i am awake.but scared i might scratch the grafts while asleep when i am not conscious.any suggestions on keeping my fears away?


the other thing is using propecia for maintaining existing area.i did try monoxidil before but it caused hell of dandruff on my scalp so i cant think of trying it again.but i am scared about the side effects of propecia.any suggestions on that?


cheers and thanks again for taking time to participate in my thread.


best regards,


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  • 1 month later...




I am thinking of also going thru Dr. Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan also. I'm going to be travelling there in teh up coming months. Your transplant looks great! Would you recommend anyone going to him? I need about 5000 grafts. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you so much!

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A guy with no posts joins to tell us all about some doctor we've never heard of. Then, mysteriously, another guy with no posts chimes in to tell us that he, too, was thinking of going to the same doctor.


Just a coincidence, I bet.


Dr. Mohmand posts on here relatively frequently, I think. I don't think this is some suspicious posting. A new poster put his pics up and another guy asked for his opinion, I don't really see any foul play here.

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I'm a real person who's family is from Pakistan. I'm very serious about going there and the reason is because of the savings in price. I.e. using this websites online consultation I've received the same quotes for the number of follices. However prices vary from 6000-22000. Therefore, the one person who posted something about Dr. Mahmond, I asked him a question. I'm aware of dr's using photoshop to edit their results and would rather speak to someone who went to him.


p.s. I visited this site quite frequently as a guest but finally signed up today so I could post something specific

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Dr. Humayun Mohmand is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.




You can view several results posted by some of Dr. Mohmand's patients themselves on our Hair Restoration Websites.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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first of all sorry for this very long post.i wud appreciate fellow members to take the pain to go through it.the long post is result of giving as much details as possible to help people who have gone through surgical replacement or considering it.



as mahhong has pointed out that Dr.Humayun mohmand is a frequent poster on this forum and he is recommended on the hair transplant network, therefore he is not someone we haven't heard of on this forum. yes i am a new poster but i have been regular visitor of this forum for almost a year while i was doing my research regarding choosing the best possible surgeon.this forum helped me on choosing recommended and reputable surgeon in my area of residence.i was residing in ireland before and could not find a surgeon there with any real feedbacks or results on any of the forums.so there is no coincidence or any fake posts.



surgery experince at clinic was very satisfactory.the staff was very friendly and made me feel very comfortable.i had no complications during or after surgery as i followed the instructions religiously.i would have loved to have spoken to DR Humayun more before the surgery.as i only met him on the day of the surgery so i cudnot get a proper chance to discuss a slightly lower hairline with more grafts.but i agreed to his judgement without much discussion.the initial consultation was done by his assistant but to be honest with you, he was very knowledgeable.


as far as surgical work,desiging of hair line and temporal peaks is concerned, u can view it in my pictures immediately after surgery.as many veteran members have commented, the work looks very clean and refined.mate as far as recommending Dr Humayun, i can properly recommend only after the final results come up coz thats all what it matters.this was my experience of the procedure with dr humayun.the choice is urs.


now coming back to my updates.its 2 months and 4 days since my surgery.surgery was smooth.healing has been smooth so far.there has been no discomforts except for very mild itching in the donor n recipient area.i haven't posted any new pictures coz there has been no substantial change.i did experience a really fair amount of shock loss and thinning of existing hair in the recepient area.i hope it was temporary and the lost hairs wud come back.


now coming to the main question i want to kindly ask my senior posters here who have gone through all of this before.i decided to use finasteride following surgery to keep the native hair.its been 1 month i have been using finasteride.i have some side effect issues.


1.started getting pain in my right testicle.its not severe but its there since i started taking the pill.

2. smaller amount of ejaculatory fluid.the semen is really watery.its 1st time i experienced like this plus the orgasms are not as intense as before.

3. the most worrying is maintaining an erection.i have no difficulty in achieveing it but to achieve i have to concentrate harder,but the moment i stop concentrating it fades within a blink of an eye.whereas before i could maintain it throughout. plus i used to have morning erections nearly every morning.but since starting the pill, i have had no morning erections at all.


i dont know if any of the guys have experienced all of these sides, but i definitely do...i have read mostly people having mild testicluar pains and quality and quantity of semen for a week or so.but i have these for more than 1 month now.


WHAT SHOULD I DO? I AM WORRIED.i am considering switching to minoxidil although it did give me severe itching 1 year ago when i started using it.


WILL minoxidil be as efficient as finasteride in maintaining the native hair?


i dont care much about regrowing since i leave that to surgical restoration.my aim is to use meds for maintainence.but i dont want that at the cost of affecting my sex life as i have experienced so far with finasteride.shud i continue or switch to minoxidil? thanx again for sparing time to read all that.

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Taking the Plunge,


Thanks alot for your help! I checked out the links you sent me and although I'm still up in the air about where to go, the information helped!!






Thanks for your help as well. I can't wait to see what your hair transplant procedure looks like in a few months! I hope he did a great job. As far as your questions and concerns about finasteride, I am the EXACT same problems you are experiencing since I've been on the medication. I hope someone can help clarify what to do.

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are u still persisting with finasteride despite the sides? i know members here might say take it or leave it...if i do decide to leave it, i will progress to higher norwood and as we all know that it is very very hard to achieve cosmetically acceptable hair density through hair tranplants if u are on higher end of norwood scale and can't maintain existing hair.



mate firstly nizoral is no longer available in pakistan and it is very difficult to get it shipped here.secondly when i was living in ireland before i did try nizoral with minox to combat dandruff.....nizoral is very effective for dandruff through normal causes....but in my case it did not have too much of an impact on dandruff caused by minox.


seems like i am one of the unfortunate guys who are going to progress on hair loss coz i am unable to use meds as they seem to do more harm than good to me.

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Yes I am still taking finasteride. I am in the same predicament you are in. I do however use 15% minoxidil rather than the 5%. I'm not sure if its helping anymore but I am curious if it will help enough where if I'm on 15% minoxidil rather than 5%, would that be good enough to keep my exisiting hair if I quit taking the finasteride that I am currently taking with the 15% minoxidil. Hopefully someone on this forum can help us out with alternatives.

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