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Bald + HT = Proscar?


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Here's a hypothetical situation: Let's say HT patient previously had no hair. Would he need to take finasteride after the procedure? I was under the impression that the transplanted hairs would be permanent, and if he had no hair to begin with why the need to halt hair loss. If it is still warranted please explain.

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Here's a hypothetical situation: Let's say HT patient previously had no hair. Would he need to take finasteride after the procedure? I was under the impression that the transplanted hairs would be permanent, and if he had no hair to begin with why the need to halt hair loss. If it is still warranted please explain.

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  • Senior Member

Simple answer= it cant hurt. Plus, it may help with new growth on the crown. But you are right, proscar (and propecia) is much more effective on younger guys just starting to lose hair.



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

HT mid-term grades test:


If an HT patient had no hair to start with.....

How could he be an HT patient ? ( i.e. no donor hair )


Am I missing something? icon_eek.gif Or does the doctor dig deep ( armpits, chest, soles of his feet.. )

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