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Propecia experience (one week in...)


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I just wanted to report my first week experience on Propecia and get some feedback/advice.


Basically, so far so good. The only side I have noticed is the watery semen (which was expected).


However, my testicles are starting to feel a bit different. It's not like a bad pain or anything, but at times I kind of get that uncomfortable feeling? I'm not sure if that is a bad sign or not?


Also, is a M-W-F schedule affective? A every other day? Or how about a .5mg dose a day? I'm getting concerned that I may be on the verge of developing sides, or maybe I am jumping the gun?


Any advice/suggestions would be helpful! Thanks gang, you guys are a great support group.


I attached a picture of my head to show where my hairloss is at. Little bit of Toppik helps though!




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I experienced the same sides when I first started finasteride. I quarter a 5mg pill and, at first, I had the dull pain in the testicles along with the watery semen.


I've experimented with a few variations in dosage. The first thing I did was move to an every-other-day schedule until the discomfort went away. Then I wend back to daily dosing.


Next, I decided to try to cut the pills into eighths. I did this for a while but become frustrated with it.


Then I decided to go back to every other day and kept a close watch on shedding. I was very satisfied with that but opted to move to a MWF schedule so it's more regular.


That's where I am now and I'm confident that I am still benefiting from the drug while minimizing side effects.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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