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Advice about updating my hair transplant

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OK I had 2 hair transplants(strips cut individual hairs planted) in quick succession a few years ago. My temples and hairline were filled in. I wasnt happy with the first because the hairs were just not as close together as I expected. But then I was talked into a follow up a few months later. But because I wanted the hairline brought forward a bit the hairs on the frontline were still gappy.


anyway I just accepted it and didnt go for more. I still wasnt happy with the density or the direction the hairs were growing(straight up) which made them very hard to control without strong product.


Now four years or so on I want to have the hairline that they created reinforced and filled in more. There are gaps inbetween the hairs and I think if they were filled in it would make a strong hairline....more dense.


However, Im still unsure about the position of the hairline. My ideal hairline would be about 1cm forward. It would flatter my face more I think. But if I go for that I know it will require more than one surgery as it will be creating a new hairline from scratch again. So Im confused about whether to just make the hairline I have thicker with one operation or go for my dream hairline and start a new one a bit lower.


Since my HTs a few years back there seems to be a new procedure called fue. They now offer this at the clinic I went to. As well as the cheaper old strip method. Although I wasnt totally happy with the results last time they did treat me well and the hairs did actually grow where they were placed. So it wasnt too bad, I think I just had high expectations. Or they oversold it.


So what would you suggest I do? Have my current hairline filled in(the easier option) or have a new one created lower down? Also, is the fue method much better and does it give you the same amount of hairs? Can you have follow up surgeries much quicker with fue? I would like to have it growing by summer so if I choose to have more than one procedure then I'd want them fairly quickly...not months apart.



Edited by Lol
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  • Senior Member

Hi Lol,

Although having multiple procedures covering the same area can be a good way of achieving higher hair density, some doctors perform 'dense packing' which provides patients with an excellent result after one pass. I don't think you need to choose between adding density to your existing hairline and having two procedures to lower it.


Regarding growth by summer. As you've had two previous surgeries you'll know that the hairs take time to grow and it takes a while to reach full density. Your existing transplanted hair should ensure that you look fine and keep looking better as new grafts grow amongst established ones, but nevertheless, if you're hoping for a great improvement by summer you will need to undergo the next procedure pretty soon.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Hi Lol,

Although having multiple procedures covering the same area can be a good way of achieving higher hair density, some doctors perform 'dense packing' which provides patients with an excellent result after one pass. I don't think you need to choose between adding density to your existing hairline and having two procedures to lower it.


Regarding growth by summer. As you've had two previous surgeries you'll know that the hairs take time to grow and it takes a while to reach full density. Your existing transplanted hair should ensure that you look fine and keep looking better as new grafts grow amongst established ones, but nevertheless, if you're hoping for a great improvement by summer you will need to undergo the next procedure pretty soon.




I can't remember how long my previous ones took to grow tbh. But a little growth would be nice by summer if I get it done in next 2 weeks maybe next week.


I thought that hairs could only be placed so near to each other in one op? If I could have a whole new dense hairline created in one procedure that would be ideal. For me it is about the hairline at this point as I have ways of making the rest of my hair look thicker. Just using hair products and styling.

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