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  • Regular Member

Hey Folks,


I am new member here. Could you give me your opinion about my hair condition (please look at the pic.). In my opinion my hairline is thin and I am on the good way to NW3. Guys... What do you think? I am 24 and I loose more than 100 hair per day and I also have difficulties when I want to style my hair. I visited two docs. Both said that "the hair pull test" is negative and that I have a little bit thinner hair on the top, but in genereal I should`t worry about anything. One doc also mentioned if I want I should try with fin. because it is also good for prostate. But he suggest me to monitor my hair one year and maybe after this period visit him again. Well, after one month of thinking and reading stories at your forum I become even more confused than before. I really do not know what to do. Should I start with fin. ASAP or minox. or am I just paranoid and my hair are OK :eek:


Thank you,




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  • Senior Member

it looks like you have thinning in the temples and front forelock areas...i would get on finasteride as I beleive it provides the best results. it prevents hairloss by blocking DHT. Its a proven medication that works. let me know if you have any questions.

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