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Having suffered the anxieties of losing my hair for years I have steadied out now and reckon I'm between NW4A and NW5. With confidence at rock bottom I'm now desperate to do something about it.


I've been researching HT options and have been to see Trevor Bauman, a sales consultant for The Hospital Group in the UK. He has suggested that I need 2,000 to 2,500 grafts in one procedure at their hospital in Dalton Park near Birmingham. He wants me to have the procedure carried out by Dr Art Katona and has quoted me ?6,750.


Is this a reputable company?

Is Dr Katona a good surgeon?

Is this a good price?


Trevor has told me that a company called Ziering Medical owns the hair clinic and is run by Dr Ziering, a well respected surgeon from America who has patented a special HT instrument which achieves excellent results.


Is this true?


Lots of questions I know, but I don't know what to do for the best. Can anybody out there please help?

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  • Senior Member



I have no knowledge of or experience with the clinic you have mentioned but I suggest using this forum's "search" feature for more information.


I also recommend contacting Farjo Medical Centre. They have offices in London and Manchester and are highly recommended here.


Dr. Bessam Farjo and Dr. Nilofer Farjo are both members of the esteemed Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. You can even schedule a free online consultation.


Best of luck!



David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thx for your steer. Have spent most of today researching Farjo Medical and they seem to be universally respected. Only downside to that i suppose will be the fact that they're probably going to be twice the price!


I have submitted an enquiry form asking to see them at their London office asap.


Thx again.

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  • Regular Member

Hi m8,


Definitely agree with David to do loads of research. From the research i did dr Farjo is the only dr worth considering in the uk although its a long waiting list for a consultation (that must say a lot about his popularity), if your prepared to go abroad, most of the world class drs seemed to be in the US and one in Belgium.

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The Hospital Group is not exactly well respected in the online transplant community, and the doctor you named would be considered an unknown with no reputation good or bad. I think this clinic probably does produce some fairly good results but a lot of people who have passed through the forums over the years have had bad things to say about them. You might be happy or you might not. I think most experienced members of this forum would consider it a bit of a gamble.



The main thing I want to say is what are your goals for this transplant? Obviously I haven't seen what your hair looks like but based on your own assessment of your Norwood level even the upper number of 2500 grafts might not be enough. I would advise you to look around at other results where the patient began with a hairloss pattern like yours and see what can be done with X number of grafts.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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