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Patient Results for Dr.Wu -( 2798 Grafts)

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Follicular unit transplantation ( FUT ) performed on a 32 y/o Chinese patient on Oct 25, 2009.

- One session of 2798 grafts were done.

- Norwood Class IV(a) patient

- Donor density of 78 FU/cm2 at mid-occiput area, 66 FU/cm2 at the temporal parietal area.

- Hair diameter of 76 microns, black color, straight hair

- Was not on Finasteride before the transplant. Willing to start taking after the procedure.

- Patient expectation is to have hair covering frontal zone and the mid scalp in one session.


Treatment plan:

Recipient area:

- total of about 80 cm2 balding area to be transplanted; 50cm2 in the frontal zone and roughly 30 cm2 in the mid scalp

- roughly 2000 grafts to the frontal zone and 800 grafts to the mid scalp

-recipient site average density of about 25 to 40 grafts per cm2; 40 to 45 in the front and 25 to 35 in the mid scalp.

- start transplanting from the existing frontal hair line which is about 7 cm from the glabella

- combination of sagittal and coronal incisions with gauge 21 hypodermic needle for the single hair and custom made 1 mm blade for the 2-hair and 3- hair follicles

-Dense packing in the frontal hair line with about 50 single hair /cm2.

-Frontal tuft receive 40 to 45 grafts/cm2 and the rest of the frontal zone 40 grafts /cm2.

-mid scalp receive about average 30 grafts/cm2


Donor area:

-Total number of grafts harvested:

1103 single hair

1453 double hair

242 triple hair


-Donor strip 28 cm X 1.6 cm was excised.

-Donor wound closed in 2 layers. One layer with Nylon as retention suture and the other layer, superficial running suture with Vicryl Rapid

-Trichophytic closure with trimming of the lower edge applied



- Asian scalps, in general, are tighter and have less hair density than Caucasian scalps; thus a larger strip needs to be excised. Asian hair, however, is thicker in caliber and, therefore, produces better coverage.

- The majority of Asian patients have straight hair.

- Because there is a strong color contrast in Asians between their black hair and pale skin, only the FUT procedure produces the most natural look.

-Substantial amount of single hairs are used in the frontal hairline to produce naturalness.

- - Average Asian follicles are 5-6 mm in length, whereas they are 4-5mm for

Caucasians. There is higher risk of producing "transactions" when doing transplants on Asians.

- Asians have a higher ratio of single hair follicles. The survival of single hair follicles are lower than the 2 or 3 hair follicles











Edited by TaiwanHair7838
Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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Thank you for sharing this patient's results and providing a detailed summary of the procedure.


Do you have any post-op photos showing placement of the grafts?


All the best,

Edited by TakingThePlunge

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Dr. Wu,


Thank you for adding the pre-op photo. The work looks very clean and refined. I look forward to seeing further examples of your great work!


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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