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African American Hair and FUE method


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I just had my surgery 8 days ago. It's my third. the first two were the strip method ( last one was about 7 years ago I was in my late twenties and should have waited until my hairline stabilized) This one was FUE to avoid scarring. Being a black male I decided to find a doctor who could do it as the extraction of FUE is tricky for black males my research told me and sometimes not advisable. I was willing to travel but I am stationed in the middle east. I looked into Europe, Lebanon, Pakistan and even India; communicating with doctors in all those places. I ended up doing mine in Kuwait with a doctor who had worked on African American hair and also, with the Kuwaiti ancestry, many men have at least some wavy hair pattern to their hair with many almost as curly as many black men. I had three consultations with the doctor and he was very honest ( because another doctor made big promises and I was unsure). I didn't meet with those pushy sales consultants you get a lot of times at these types of clinics. thankfully only the doctor himself spoke to me on the those occasions I came into the clinic with a list of questions written down.


On the day of the FUE, the doctor did the extraction AND the implanting himself. The technicians only placed the hairs into the "injector" and handed it to him. The technicians said the hairs the doctor extracted were 99% viable for transplanting and they were very pleased. Which sounds quite encouraging to me. The technicians themselves had been trained in working with extra curly hair and they talked about this to me before the surgery began that day. The clinic has many technicians but it seems these two were chosen for me because of their training on my type of hair.


I was extra careful after my first two surgeries, where I feel I rushed the shedding of the scabs by shampooing too vigorously on day 2 and 3. So as of day 8, I still have some scabs only 10 to 15 percent, but 75% of that came off days 7 and 8 not sooner. I started gently massaging flat hands only on day 5 with no water pressure only pouring water from the back so it flowed onto the transplant area. No bleeding from shampooing and so I am hoping I have no lost grafts. I also didn't rush back to the gym like always so I am hoping for really good results. The doctor gave me a stern warning about not exercising. So I am crossing my fingers I didn't lose any of the 1200 hairs transplanted. But from reading this forum it seems every guy worries he lost grafts from shampooing, correct? I also didn't touch my hair with a comb or brush until day 8; being extra careful I didn't pull at any of the hairs in the transplanted area.


It's a Muslim holiday now so I will update you all after I see the doctor next week. I hope you guys agree I didn't everything right post-op. I was really worried about losing grafts and about wasted grafts during extraction. I hope I have minimized both.


I also hope to start Rogaine next week. Hoping because it still needs to clear customs. I had to ship it to Kuwait (it's available here but I am allergic to propellant and had to order the new foam one that's propellant free from Amazon) I tested it from a sample the clinic had a week before the surgery and I had no adverse reaction to it.


I will keep you guys updated but let me know your thoughts so far.

Edited by ivyleaguer
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It sounds to me like you were very careful in choosing your hair restoration physician and you've been very cautious with your transplanted hairs during the critical first 10 days.


I wish you the best of luck and also encourage you to share are pre or post-op photos by creating a Hair Restoration Website and/or a blog on your profile page.


I look forward to news of your progress!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Okay so I started Rogaine and it appears I should not have. it seems I am still allergic to the new stuff without propellant just like the old version of Rogaine and my head has swollen and has been oozing non stop for the last two days. despite the skin test with the new foam version of Rogaine without propellant, propellant wasn't the problem. my doctor was shocked. He said he never seen a reaction like this before. I did tell him my reaction from using it before was bad in fact even worse than it is now ( last time my head blew up to the size of an alien and I am not exaggerating). my head now is covered in ooze and crust. He said it wouldn't affect the transplanted hairs. I had to call in sick, something I never had to do after my transplant surgery, so I am not happy. It has been 3 weeks now since my surgery so I hope he is being truthful. But I am still worried.

Rogaine never again!!! no matter what new formula they come out with. I wish doctors would listen to me when I tell them I am allergic to it. This is depressing now, after the surgery and recovery and observed density in the first couple of weeks were excellent. Should I be worried now?

Edited by ivyleaguer
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  • Regular Member
Okay so I started Rogaine and it appears I should not have. it seems I am still allergic to the new stuff without propellant just like the old version of Rogaine and my head has swollen and has been oozing non stop for the last two days. despite the skin test with the new foam version of Rogaine without propellant, propellant wasn't the problem. my doctor was shocked. He said he never seen a reaction like this before. I did tell him my reaction from using it before was bad in fact even worse than it is now ( last time my head blew up to the size of an alien and I am not exaggerating). my head now is covered in ooze and crust. He said it wouldn't affect the transplanted hairs. I had to call in sick, something I never had to do after my transplant surgery, so I am not happy. It has been 3 weeks now since my surgery so I hope he is being truthful. But I am still worried.

Rogaine never again!!! no matter what new formula they come out with. I wish doctors would listen to me when I tell them I am allergic to it. This is depressing now, after the surgery and recovery and observed density in the first couple of weeks were excellent. Should I be worried now?





I hope all ends well for you. And thanks for bumping this. I literally had a thread about African Americans and HT/FUEs.


Best regards.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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It's week six now. The Rogaine allergic reaction subsided after 5 days and my doctor seemed more in awe of his work than the severe allergic reaction I had, so I am assuming it was a bump in the road to what will hopefully turn out to be a successful procedure. The transplanted hairs have gone into the resting stage with most falling out as expected after week 3 or 4. I will post again when I have some new development. Maybe some photos if I am ecstatic about the result.

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  • 1 month later...
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It's over three months now and new hairs have started growing in. As with the paranoia of losing grafts during shampooing in the first week, as hair starts growing in, men wonder is this the beginning or the end of all the grafts that will grow. My doctor said final results would be in 10 months. It's about 3 months 2 weeks for me, so I shouldn't defer to emotions that keep wondering if this is all I will see. But really is 10 months realistic for full effect and not say 6 months. If I am really happy with the results I will post pics of before and after. now that the hair has just started to grow in, I am going to see a doctor about lazering the two scars I have from previous strip methods. I am hoping as the new grafts are maximized the scars will be minimized and I will have a great summer of no baseball caps and being confident on the beach in the full sunlight. just a question to other men when did you really notice the full effect of your transplant. is it silly for me to think at 3. 5 months this could it the full effect? thanks

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