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Propecia - That's not supposed to happen...

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Hey guys,


I took one half pill of Propecia on Monday evening... I'm supposed to take another half later today (Wednesday), but I'm not sure if I should. I expected the low sex drive/not being able to get it up, but today I felt drained. I could barely stand up. It felt like my upper body weighed twice as much as normal; I feel extremely weak from the waist down.


Now this next part isn't for young eyes...







Feeling completely numb and weird down there, of course I had to check it out and see if it looked weird. It did. It looks severely anorexic, with huge veins bulging out. If I lightly touch one, it feels like a pin is going through it. Naturally, this scares the hell out of me, especially since I haven't read anything like this reported before. Also, it hurts every so often when I try to walk.


I tried to make an appointment with my dermatologist ASAP, but they're closed until freaking Monday... So I turn here for a bit of advice. Have you had or heard of anything like this before? Should I continue with the regular dose till I see him? I will take in any information you guys can give before judging whether or not I should continue.



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I have experienced numbness before, mainly the day after I drink. which makes no sense to me. I still experience it and ive been off the drug for about 3 months. but nothing as severe as you have stated...how long have you been taking the meds for?

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Oh... then give it sometime.. plenty of people had their side effects disappear after a month or so. However in my case they never did. it just depends on the person, everyone is different. And this coming from a person who still hasn't recovered from them fully after 3 months, just try to remain calm...and to be quite honest, if i were you i wouldnt even bother with it... look into PRP... it seem very promising.. ive seen ur pics from ur previous post.. you have a vast amount of hair still....

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PRP... I'm not exactly sure since there isn't any clear photo evidence this works. I mean, I've seen the dead mouse picture with some hair, but will it produce quality human head hair? How will you control the hairline.


If it's an injection, wouldn't it be nice to be able to grow any kind of hair? Colored? Or straight, instead of wavy/curly? icon_biggrin.gif But I know, I know, that's pushing it.


Honestly, I really hope this takes off soon... I'd love to not have to take Propecia... and not have to get a hair transplant when I'm like, 23 or 24. I see there's been news about the PRP injections dated back to 2007, and really start to appear in early 2008, but not a lot since. I'll be crossing my fingers for some good news. And my arms. And legs. And eyes.


Thanks for the reply though, brentipold. I'll keep checking back for progress.

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I have heard similar types of descriptions before, nothing unheard of is happening to you. I would not panic, but I would also not brush it off either. It's certainly possible that you are sensitive to taking the drug.


It's true that a lot of people get sides immediately and then their body adjusts over a period of weeks. Obviously, no way of knowing in your case, as everyone is completely different. I wish I had more helpful advice to give you.


Someone recently posted a youtube link on another forum where Dr. John Crisler was discussing the drug in front of a room full of colleagues. My understanding is that Dr. Crisler is a very renowned endocrinologist. He was very outspoken about the drug not being prescribed to men for hairloss, and I think he's even opposed to it for the prostate as well.


I don't want to tell you to quit the drug, and I also can't tell you to keep taking it. It's a personal choice. If you continue to use it, I hope your body adjusts... the odds are in your favor that it will.

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Thanks Ceasar08,


Since such a small amount affected me so badly in just one day, I'm not believing I'll be magically immune to the drug's side effects in a few months... also, who knows if it will be even effective for what it's supposed to do. I'm not knocking the drug, I knew it would kill my sex drive and I wouldn't be able to get it up. I wasn't prepared for worse. Maybe hats can be my friend for the next few years until something great comes along.


Anyways, I'll certainly not be taking it today, but discuss this with my dermatologist ASAP.


Thanks so much for the replies, guys. This is a bit frustrating, and I really appreciate your words.

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Well, I sent some pictures to Dr. Feller... PRP seems like my last hope to strengthen and keep what I have. If this can replace Propecia, then I'll be glad to give this a go.


Also, do any of you guys think PRP could help prevent a little bit of shock loss, if a HT were to be done?

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