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From Provillus (pills) to finasteride, very heavy shedding!


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As the title says, I was on Provillus pills for around 6 months (from December '09), and only stopped as I'd run out, and couldn't order any more due to a problem with my debit card at the time.


I've since been on finasteride as prescribed by Dr Ashcroft, and I would like to ask if it's normal to be going through shedding from stopping the Provillus, the summer shedding period, and the finasteride initial shedding too?


I really feel I have lost over 50% of my hair and it's really showing now. I really hope the finasteride starts to work soon, otherwise I'll have to start wearing a hat, it's that traumatic!


Any advice, or reassurance would be most appreciated.

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In my opinion, using Provillus or discontinuing Provillus will probably have very little effect on your hair growth or shedding. While topical Provillus contains 5% minoxidil (the same as Rogaine), the pills are nothing more than dietary supplements. For more on Provillus read the following article, Provillus – An FDA Approved Hair Loss Treatment?.


Your shedding is most likely due to starting Propecia (finasteride). You did not mention how long you've been on Propecia but you're going to have to stay on it and ride out the shedding. Once shed, the hair will begin their normal growth cycle again. It may take up to 6 months before your hair starts to fill in again and up to one year before you can judge the full effects of finasteride.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thank you for your reply. I've been on Proscar for 2 months now, but the heavy shedding happened within a couple of weeks of finishing the Provillus pills in June, and before I started Proscar at the end of July. It's still doing it now, and is showing too. :(


My hair isn't thinning, micro-whatsit, but there's a lot less of it over the whole scalp area. I assume that's an age thing, and not MBP?

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