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Donor Area - Scarring and healing

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Hi I had a Hair Transplant 10-11 weeks ago and my donor area looks almost black where it was stitched. What concerns me is that every now and then I spot a couple of very small blood stains on my pillow.

Should I be concern after this length of time? I would think yes so I booked an appt'mt to see my Dr Robert Jones in Oakville.

I'm afraid of infection or scarring. Is this normal to look black. I would of thought by now the donor area would almost be not noticeable.

I also feel I had suffer what they call hair loss shock, so I now have less hair than before my hair transplant. Has anyone had similar experience? Did it improved - I had 2900 grafts transplanted



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How your scar looks during healing can depend a lot on how well you have been keeping the area clean. After my first transplant, I was so gentle on my donor line and didn't scrub that it was much more scabby than after my second surgery. I suspect that what you are seeing is dried blood. Have you tried soaking your head in warm water for several minutes and then gently scrubbing with your fingertips to loosen the scabs? That may help.


It's good that you are seeing your doctor just to be sure though, so kudos to you. ;)


Looking worse after the procedure than before is very normal. I am two months post op and have had quite a bit of shock loss so I am much more bare in the recipient area than before the surgery. This is normal!


Hang in there!

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