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My Hair Restoration Plan; Please Comment

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Hello all,


I'm new to the board here. I'm 27 years of age and I've been thinning heavily on my mid-portion for the past three and a half years. Back in 2005 I had a "full" head of hair (unnoticeable hairloss); currently it's to the point where it is noticably thin after a few weeks without a haircut. My hairline is still strong but I have the "V" shape coming in strong. Good 'ol genetics! BOTH sides of my parents' family have hairloss; all of my uncles excluding my pops were bald (lucky him) and my bro just turned 31 but has as much hair as he did in his teens (lucky him, too).


I came to the decision of getting a HT just recently; however, I've been considering the idea for more than a year. I've done the research about current HT technology and the risks involved, so this is not a snap decision. What made me affirm my decision was that I have been thinking about my past and my present since I officially accepted my hair loss. For my entire childhood, teens, and some of my twenties, I have had my confidence literally stripped away from me and have battled with low self esteem as a result. So, I decided to do something about it. At about 23 I decided to start lifting weights and eating healthy for some confidence building. It worked for about a couple of years until when I would look in the gym mirrors all I would see were the signs of genetics taking hold of my roots and literally strangling the life out of them (Why do so many gyms have to have so many mirrors????!!). After many years of looking down on myself I was finally starting to have a positive self-image, then fate/God/who/whatever decided that I couldn't have confidence. Go figure.


After thinking about things, in a nutshell, I want full-fledged confidence after being denied it for so long. I want to finally look in a mirror and not focus on things I don't like, currently the hair disappearing from my scalp. All I see nowadays are men's hairlines and asking myself questions like "Why does this guy have so much hair when he's TWICE my age?" I want to hold a conversation with someone and not have to notice their eyes flicker up to my scalp. I've been a victim for a while; It's time to take a stand for myself.


Enough of the backstory/ranting/revelation, here's my current plan of action to hair regrowth. I understand the full results of this plan won't be observed until about 3-7 years from this point, but this alternative is better than watching my hair fade away to where I'll be completely bald in 3-5 years while doing nothing.


1. Save money: HT's aren't cheap. So, for the next 1 1/2 years I'm going to start putting money away in savings for the big day(s). While I'm saving, I'll be doing other things to make sure this is the right decision.


2. Chemical treatments: I figure I should try to postpone any more hairloss and try to keep what I have. This will be accomplished using a) Rogaine and b) Propecia.

a) I just started using Rogaine foam a couple of weeks ago. Haven't had any adverse reactions and I'm not expecting any results so soon. Been applying for 2x a day as directed.

b) Very shortly, I will see a specialist to receive a prescription for Propecia. Have done some research on the drug and the side effects scare me. Quite frankly, the < 3% of patients having ED as a result of the drug seems like bunk when there are so many reports of this and others (on the web). However, there are others who seem to be doing fine with the drug.

There's no way for me to know what will happen until I use it; if I experience no (major) side effects: Success. If there are side effects I cannot live with: Unsuccess and quit taking the drug. Unfortunately, if the latter occurs then I will have no choice but to resign with gradual hair loss and no HT, since Propecia seems the best in keeping what is there. It would not make any sense to get a HT and do nothing to digress any further loss. Waste of money.


3. Waiting: Both Rogaine and Propecia makers recommend at least one year to see if they are actually usefull and I could be one of the few who have moderate to exceptional hair regrowth with the products. In a sense, I could be happy with just chemical use, not need a HT, and could put the money I've saved into a new car. Realistically, I could only achieve results approaching my high school years with a HT where the chemicals would make the results all the better had I went into the HT operation drugless. I'll also be taking pictures to document my progress, as I started a couple of weeks ago at the beginning of the Rogaine application.

The waiting period will also be used to research who would be the best doctor to take my services to. MHC and Bosley are definately out of the question as 1) I've seen/heard dreadful results from these two and 2) any type of surgery advertised on TV just does not seem right. Besides, I'll (hopefully) have the money and I'm going to get the best treatment these dollars can afford.


4. Hair Transplant Surgery: Speaks for itself.




5. Profit


I'm about a Norwood early-type 3 and forsee an estimate of 1500-2500 grafts. Please add comments to this and let me know if I've left anything important out between now and my proposed HT (in about 2 years).



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I think you did yourself a big favor by getting a lot of research done, and whatever decision you will take, it will definitely a well though out decision since you are very well informed.


As many posters would be telling you: traveling should not be a factor. However, since you are staying in NC and I highly recommend that you consult with dr. Cooley. I will go for HT with him in 3 weeks, after a year of extensive research on hair loss.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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"So, I decided to do something about it. At about 23 I decided to start lifting weights and eating healthy for some confidence building. It worked for about a couple of years until when I would look in the gym mirrors all I would see were the signs of genetics taking hold of my roots and literally strangling the life out of them (Why do so many gyms have to have so many mirrors????!!). After many years of looking down on myself I was finally starting to have a positive self-image, then fate/God/who/whatever decided that I couldn't have confidence. Go figure."



I know exactly what you mean. I started balding at 17 shortly after i started lifting for the same reasons as yourself. I'm 190 lbs with almost with a sixpack (still got 10-15 pounds to lose) but believe me i would gladly remove 20 pound of muscle to have my head of hair back.


After all, muscle just takes effort, hairloss is much harder to regain.


I guess you just cant have it all. sigh.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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You appear to have thoughtfully explored your options and that should reassure you of whatever decision(s) you ultimately make.


However, I had some additional thoughts that you may want to consider regarding your hair loss strategy.


Your analysis of the Propecia option may be too black and white, whereas I see shades of gray. You state that if you "experience no (major) side effects: Success" and that if you have side effects that you can't live with,

then I will have no choice but to resign with gradual hair loss and no HT, since Propecia seems the best in keeping what is there. It would not make any sense to get a HT and do nothing to digress any further loss. Waste of money.


If I'm interpreting what you wrote correctly, then you seem to be saying: if I don't take Propecia, then I shouldn't get a HT because I'd be wasting my money since there would be future hair loss, hence the wasted money.


But that line of thinking assumes Propecia works for you. If Propecia doesn't stop your hair loss, then that may be the same as you not taking the medicine. Would you still think that the HT is a waste of money? Or what if Propecia merely slows your hair loss, does that negate the value of a HT? What if Propecia stops further loss, but doesn't promote any regrowth? Would you be happy with your current head of hair?


Does your decision calculus of undergoing a HT entirely depend on Propecia's success? That's something you may want to think about more. From my standpoint, I think that a HT could still be valuable by giving someone a desired appearance of hair, even if that overall appearance may be temporary in the long run.

If you get a HT and Propecia slows your hair loss, then that just buys you more time to have the hair you want. The question becomes: is it worth it to have this particular amount of hair even though in the future you may succumb to further hair loss or require further HTs to maintain your appearance?


Which leads to the other consideration of your willingness to have further HTs to replace potential future hair loss, that is either delayed by Propecia or the natural consequence of DHT.


Just some thoughts to reflect on, that hopefully are helpful.

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After re-reading that quoted text, I guess some confusion could arise. I meant by this was that if I experience those side effects I couldn't live with (ED and possibly other of the more harsher effects), then I would not proceed with an HT. I'm sure there's a lot of you who've gotten transplants and are currently taking Finasteride, and I'm sure this is strongly recommended, even by the doctors who perform the surgery. With how rapid my hair loss is, it would not be feasible, economic or otherwise, to proceed with a hair transplant without currently or post-operationally using a drug to keep what I have; I'd lose more hair pretty much negating the transplant.


Although I hadn't considered the Finasteride not completely halting the hair loss (rose-colored shades)or not working at all, if the Finasteride does a good job in slowing the loss AND I experience no (harsh) side effects within the saving process, then a HT will continue as the end all to my decision "calculus" (being an engineer, this term stuck out). A second transplant will be an option - a second tranplant would be a definite if hair cloning becomes a reality - if/when my hair loss increases after the first HT.


With all this being said, I went to see a doctor today and I got a prescription for 5 mg Finasteride; three refills for FIVE BUCKS! This is my first time with health insurance and I'm pretty excited. Now all I need is a pill splitter.


Here's to having my finger's crossed...

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