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Any Minoxidil experts?

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


Just wanted to firstly say thanks for all your help so far and pointing me in the right direction! I have now already begun using Propecia for the past 2 months.


I posted this because I had some general questions about using Minoxidil which I thought you may be able to help me with and give me some unbiased information.


I am very keen to begin using Minoxidil, but I firstly wanted to know what brand you guys used? I've seen a lot of ??value pack' brands advertised alongside Rogaine and other more popular brands and I wanted to make sure that I chose the best possible product. What would you guys recommend?


Secondly, I am interested in what strength Minoxidil I should be using. I am 21, and I have a thinning crown and I can see my hair starting to thin over the top and temples. I would classify my hair loss as mild but it is definitely getting thinner every month. I've read that you need more and more Minoxidil each day over your lifetime to produce the same effects so is it better for me to stay at a lower dosage for the next few years?


I understand that Propecia does nothing to assist in hair loss around the temples, and that Minoxidil does not encourage growth around the temples but does aid in keeping any existing hair you may have around the temples. Could anyone confirm this?



And lastly, I've also been told when I had my hair consultation that using Minoxidil twice per day as opposed to just once has no real benefit so I'm better off saving my time and my money and just using it once per day. Is this true?


Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate you taking the time!

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


Just wanted to firstly say thanks for all your help so far and pointing me in the right direction! I have now already begun using Propecia for the past 2 months.


I posted this because I had some general questions about using Minoxidil which I thought you may be able to help me with and give me some unbiased information.


I am very keen to begin using Minoxidil, but I firstly wanted to know what brand you guys used? I've seen a lot of ??value pack' brands advertised alongside Rogaine and other more popular brands and I wanted to make sure that I chose the best possible product. What would you guys recommend?


Secondly, I am interested in what strength Minoxidil I should be using. I am 21, and I have a thinning crown and I can see my hair starting to thin over the top and temples. I would classify my hair loss as mild but it is definitely getting thinner every month. I've read that you need more and more Minoxidil each day over your lifetime to produce the same effects so is it better for me to stay at a lower dosage for the next few years?


I understand that Propecia does nothing to assist in hair loss around the temples, and that Minoxidil does not encourage growth around the temples but does aid in keeping any existing hair you may have around the temples. Could anyone confirm this?



And lastly, I've also been told when I had my hair consultation that using Minoxidil twice per day as opposed to just once has no real benefit so I'm better off saving my time and my money and just using it once per day. Is this true?


Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate you taking the time!

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  • Senior Member

I use Kirkland brand from Costco. It's $20 for a four pack of 5%. Walmart's brand, Equate, is also pretty cheap. They all contain the same active ingredient, which is minoxidil.


You could probably start with the 5%, but I definitely would not recommend starting with the 15% that you can buy from some websites off the internet.


A lot of guys on here, including myself, only use rogaine once a day. The application would typically be at night. Hope this information helps.

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