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Rogaine Question

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It is true that if you discontinue using minoxidil (Rogaine) that in just a few short months you will lose any benefits you gained as a result of its use.


I was unaware of your mother's adverse effects to the medication before. You should definitely use it under the close supervision of a physician and start out at the 2% concentration if you are going to use it.


Additionally, if you have sensitive skin (as you said with the Tide remark) you can expect more problems. If you still want to try it, apply the 2% perhaps once per day for a week. Watch out for irregular heartbeat, dizziness, etc. and scalp peeling, flaking and redness. Report any and all symptoms back to your physician and see what he/she thinks. Of course, take his/her medical advise over my non-medical advise any and every day of the week. icon_smile.gif


Minoxidil is a life-long committment, or at least it is until the "cure" comes around. This is why I recommend to anyone considering it to give it a week test-run to see how it will fit into their lifestyle (it can be messy and greasy) and see how their scalp and their body will react to it.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Robert - thanks for the info. I might do the test run with the minoxidil. The Nioxin I use from the salon already leaves red streaks in my scalp. If it drips onto my face or arm by accident it leaves a bright red splotch for at least 20 minutes! I will definitely ask Dr. Epstein about this. I am coming up with a list of questions now...let me know some biggies though!


I think my BIGGEST questions are 1. Should I be doing this now or later in life? and 2. Should I explore other alternatives first?


I am also worried that those are my two biggest because I am in sales myself and would hope he would give me totally honest answers and not go for the "sale" so to speak.


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Well, I don't see Dr. E going for the "sale." Ethics are a huge deal in hair transplant surgery because the industry's beginnings were rife with questionable procedures, lying doctors, and "butchered" patients. It is definitely a feat for modern physicians to not only prove their skill and artistry, but to also prove their ethics. I have never heard anything questionable about Dr. E's practice.


I would stand up and walk out on physician or physician's representative that tried to "sell" me on a procedure. A doctor just cannot see clearly to perform great surgery if he has dollar signs in his eyes.


What many people do is get multiple opinions from 2 or more physicians. You may want to try that also. Again, I am not detracting from Dr. E or his professional opinion but you may want to get another doc's viewpoint on your situation. The Hair Transplant Network allows you do fill out an online virtual consultation form to send to any of their recommended physicians via email. You can even include photos. The physician can then give you an estimated diagnosis based on the photos and your situation. This is extremely useful for getting more than one opinion for your situation. I don't advocate getting opinions from a bunch of docs that you never have any intention of going to, but only from ones that you feel that you would consider.


As far as other alternatives, unfortunately minoxidil is the only FDA-approved medication for women at this time. THis is not to say that other treatments will not work, but you will have to research them fully and speak to others that have utilized them and come to your own conclusion. What other treatments did you have in mind? I may be able to offer some insight.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I guess I am thinking of things such as herbal remedies, the minoxidil, hair extensions? Although I think the latter is probably more expensive than HT in the long run.


I just had to have a bunch of blood work done to check my hormone levels for other female issues I am having so we will see what those report. ALthough I don't think the findings will come up with anything because my derm had labs done on me after I went to her for the hair loss back in December. I know that hormone replacement therapy did help my mom with some re-growth.

I keep trying to attach a pic but they say the file is too large! icon_frown.gif


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Ah, yes, the herbal remedies. Can I go ahead and save you a bunch of time and money? Even the most revered herbal remedies offer very little to the hair loss sufferer. If there was an herbal concoction that worked, the hair loss industry wouldn't exist. I'm not trying to belittle your thoughts or anything, I'm just trying to save you a lot of time and a lot of money.


If the photo you are trying to add is too large you can resize it using Microsoft photo shop if you have Office Pro. If you don't have this software you can just create a photo album. This will allow you to upload a larger photo.


Making a photo album is easy and takes just a few minutes. Just follow these steps.


1. Go to the "New" button, click it, and select "Photo Album."


2. If you are on the main page when you do this, it will ask which forum it belongs under. The "Hair Loss Drugs" forum would be appropriate for your photo album. If you are already in this forum when you pull up the "Photo Album" option, it will pop up with a small screen that will direct you throughout the process.


3. Select an album name.


4. Give your photo album an introduction. This is just like a regular post.


5. Select "Personal Album" if you want to be the only one that can manipulate, add, and delete photos.

"Community Album" allows any member to add photos.


6. Hit "Next."


7. Now you upload the photos from your hard drive. You can upload nine at a time, but you have the option to upload more after the first nine are uploaded.


8. Hit "Next."


9. The next screen allows you to organize your photos in whatever order you like and to add text to them.


10. Hit "Next" again and it will show you roughly what your album will look like. It doesnt show paragraphs but they will come out like you typed it.


11. Select "Post" if you are happy with the arrangement.


12. You can always go back and edit your photo album.


13. To reply to photo albums, you just click on "comments" at the bottom of the album and then click on the little arrow that appears in the bottom left corner. To reply to regular posts you just click "Reply."


To see comments to the photo album, just click "comments."


Hope this helps,





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hair Farming! I know this sounds crazy, but you got to believe me, because I tried it. There use to be a product called Hair Farming, and it may be still on the market. I used it once and actually grew hair. About a 1 inch by 1 inch square. But, I quit using the product and the Hair fell out. Now, a few years later, I tried to make my own concoction. I used an Herbal Shampoo, mixed in some orange juice, from real oranges, and some other stuff, don't remember all of it, I just used my imagination. Now it was all safe. Nothing harmfull. I got me a toothbrush. I would lather the concoction into my head, let it set a while, then I would take the tooth brush and scrub back and forth, lightly, not hard with a mild toothbrush, from the front of my head to the back and also get the sides, and I would make sure it stayed wet as I went, because I kept the Brush dipped in the Herbal stue I made. I did this for a week, or so, and I was at a relatives house one day, and she told me I was growing Hair. Well, I got really excited. And to my amazement I was growing hair. But, it fell out after I started wearing my Hat again. I don't know what it is about that Hat. It makes my Hair fall

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How did you get time to do that in between putting up all the tin foil walls and roof lining to keep out the CIA-space alien eavsdropping mind control radar laser beams? You are really a multi-tasker! Have you checked that hat for a bar code that might indicate it was manufactured far far away in a part of the galaxy where.......oh never mind. (I love ya man, I really do....)

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I know you don't believe me. But it is true, all true. I swear on a stack of Bibles it is true. The Hat, the Hair Loss, and the Concoction I made. I got witnesses to prove it. I have a witness to the hairloss from the Hat also. It is all true. If you want the phone number I can supply it, you can ask for yourself. I cannot tell a lie. My Hair depends on it. What is left of it. BUt I am glad you love me. I have been in deep dispare since my HAirloss and knowing I could have prevented it. By not wearing the Hat. Thank You for caring! Bless You!

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Pushing 40 How did you know I put roof lining in my House? Did the Aliens tell you about it? I'll have to have a talk with them!

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  • Senior Member

Captain, it sounds like you have very sensitive skin. Even with the most refined techniques, you can probably expect quite a bit of redness after a hair transplant. It could last for months. Depending on where your transplant is, you might be able to cover it with existing hair. Does your skin get red when you accidentally scratch it?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


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See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Gorpy - yes i do have very sensitive skin. But they won't let me have a HT right now b/c they think i still have too much hair and potential shock loss and all could screw that up. THey said i am a 3 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being bad hair loss. I guess it just feels worse to me because it is so personal and i notice every bit of scalp that shows! I even wrote oprah telling her to do a show on women with thinning hair b/c so many women suffer from it and it is never discussed. Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

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To tell you the truth, I see more women with hair loss now. I think it is just because I am so aware of it now and I look for it in everyone. I never used to notice it. Good luck with the Minox. It does work, but keep in mind that it works very slowly over time. You might not think it is working until you quit using it and then your hair becomes noticably thinner.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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