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hiding HT post surgery

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  • Regular Member

I have my HT on Feb. 16 with Dr. Wong at HW in Vancouver. I will be flying from San Francisco. My question is how can I hide the HT for the airport and flight home so theres no awkward looks and embaressmenticon_smile.gif Will a loose cap work? Bandana? Will i have to take it off? What about the metal detector with the staples? Thanks! Any help would be appreciated!



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  • Regular Member

I have my HT on Feb. 16 with Dr. Wong at HW in Vancouver. I will be flying from San Francisco. My question is how can I hide the HT for the airport and flight home so theres no awkward looks and embaressmenticon_smile.gif Will a loose cap work? Bandana? Will i have to take it off? What about the metal detector with the staples? Thanks! Any help would be appreciated!



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I had no problems at the airport or on the plane after my HT with Hasson. I wore one of those Kangol hats. (you know the kind that Samuel Jackson always wears) I got it a size bigger to compensate for the swollen mellon.


I actually have a funny story about the plane ride home. An older gentleman was sitting next to me and he was very friendly and talkative. He asked where I was going/ coming from and I told him that I'd just had a HT. I was wearing the hat, and he kept looking at my hat the whole time so I asked him if he wanted to see it, and told him that it wasn't pretty. When I took off my hat the guy looked like he'd seen a ghost! Well, he asked for it!

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wear a loose fitting ball cap, but there will be no hiding the swollen, bruised and puffy eyes and nose, makes you look VERY hungover or worked over like a boxer. But ask your self What have you got to be embarrased about? Get real with the fact that except for you and your significant other no one cares what you look like. Any one who does notice will just passively ask or think good for you. Remember its all about YOU and what YOU want not them.

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  • Senior Member

I had no swelling or looked any different, I put on a hat and noone had a clue. My best friend stopped over the very next day and never had a clue. I didnt have stapples. Maybe you should ask the doc about it, maybe they wont use stapples. My expirence thus far, I was scared to death prior to the ht, now that ive gone through with it, it wasnt all that bad at all, the worst thing was sitting in that chair for so long, and my donor was a little soar for a few days made sleeping uncomfortable. good luck

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  • Senior Member

A neat trick that I used in the days just after surgery is to wet a strip of Saran Wrap with water and cover the recipient area with this. Then apply the cap or bandana. This keeps the grafts from sticking (you can pull them out if they stick). After the hat is on you can just tuck the little bit of wrap sticking out into the cap. Do this for about 10 days until the grafts are truly settled into place.





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