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Hi I could use some help


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Hi I'm seventeen years old and have Alopecia. I have recently been searching online for some way to boost my self confidence. Since I'm a guy I realize that men shave their heads nowadays , plus I have a tiny tiny bit of hair on my head. I've been searching for fake eyebrows , something that I might be able to put on. But I havn't found any luck at all. I've been looking at this site and wondering if I could get hair transplants for my head and eyebrows. For my head I would just want enough to give off the impression that I shaved my head. I've really been depressed as of late and could use some advice. Thanks.

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Hi I'm seventeen years old and have Alopecia. I have recently been searching online for some way to boost my self confidence. Since I'm a guy I realize that men shave their heads nowadays , plus I have a tiny tiny bit of hair on my head. I've been searching for fake eyebrows , something that I might be able to put on. But I havn't found any luck at all. I've been looking at this site and wondering if I could get hair transplants for my head and eyebrows. For my head I would just want enough to give off the impression that I shaved my head. I've really been depressed as of late and could use some advice. Thanks.

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Sorry to hear about your situation. I really don't have a lot of advice. I've never heard of transplanting hair for eyerbrows.


As far as your head in concerned, just shave it. I have a few friends that shave there head constantly to get that "clean" look.


I started losing my hair about your age, plain old male pattern baldness. In my twenties I had a screwed transplant that made me look like a Barbie Doll head. So I wore wigs for the last ten years, some good, some not so good. Btw, with a wig it is very hard to swim, walk in the wind, ride a bike. (without looking like an idiot)


I just had a corrective opertion after ten years. If I could have shaved my head and been bald I would have paid whatever if cost. Really..


I know the whole thing sucks. At least now shaving your head is cool. When I was your age the only people with shaved heads were "skin-heads", very racist bunch...


I guess I haven't been a great deal of help. Hey look at movies these days, even actors are going bald, Bruce Willis is a big time baldy and he seems to be doing pretty well.


Ok, not so good. To be very honest I feel for you, but don't have much meaningful to say. Oh maybe do. I have a beautiful wife inside and out. The head spin when she walks in a room, I have a great job and fun hobbies. And I am overweight and wear a stupid looking wig! I often ask myself could my life be better if I had had hair, the answer is clearly no. Could it have been worse. Maybe, I could have grown up to be an asshole, then my life would suck. I surely would not have my beautiful wife, or job. Probably more hobbies, since I would be alone...


Take care,




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I feel for your situation with alopecia, but if I was you, I would just shave your head and deal with your situation as best as possible. I am 28, and I have lost just a little hair, that I was fortunate enough to have a transplant and take care of for good. I can only imagine your depression that would result due to your age as our image means more to us that we all like to admit. However, in consideration of your situation and the scarring that transplantation will leave on the back of your head, I think just going with the shaved look will look more natural. Even though I had just lost a little hair, I was going to go that route, but my head is literally like a partially deflated basketball, and that look just would not have been the best for me:) In your situation though, I think you may be happiest if you just shave it and deal with it. At your age, it will actually look cool! Again, I hope you keep your head up high and maintain your confidence as you struggle with your situation.

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