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Do you recon I'm going/will be bald?


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I know its quite a lot to read but I think it would help you gain a better understanding. If there is additional information you could use just ask.


My hair

My hair is fairly soft, healthy and grows very fast. I never get dry scalp or dandruff. I have a TINY 'M' or 'widows peak' where the front of my hair changes direction in the middle, but the widows peak isn't noticeable but the cow lick is. The sides of my hair where it curves in to my sideburns is very strange, one side is curved and on the other side is more square (you may get a better understanding from the image of me face on). However both this and the small widows peak I have appeared to have since the earliest images I can find from when I was 12, which is over five years ago. My hairline hasn't really seemed to change but it is hard to tell from different hairstyles. Just to add as well the hair where my cow flick is for some reason is a blondy brown and much softer then other parts of my hair, but this is only on the right side and has always been like this?


I also never notice my hair falling out while washing it or anything like that but I'm so paranoid about it and I do sometime feel stressed but nothing I can't fix.


Not sure if this will help but I am pale skinned, light freckles and developing body hair/facial hair a lot faster then majority of my friends who are the same age (I am seventeen).


My Genetics

I heard about the genetics from my mothers father would indicate a lot to me about my hairs future but my nan hasn't seen him in 40 years. I do however know he had a full head of fair hair and it was blonde, that is it. My uncle from my mothers side is a redhead, thickish hair but has a different father to my mother. My mother has VERY thick curly hair which is almost like an afro when left naturally.


My father began to go bald around his late 30's maybe early 40's and now has a patch missing at the top of his head and the only hair that remains are around the sides with short thin hairs on top. He has three brothers, two of which have a full head of hair even at 50+ and one who follows the same pattern of baldness as my father. Their father is bald aswell.


My Diet

I read that diet is very important so I will give you a rough example of what I eat and drink. I did read milk is very good for the hair and I drink atleast 5 glasses a day and have done all my life which is mixed between semi-skimmed and whole fat. I eat all my vegtables but maybe just under five a day and atleast three times a week I'll have a good portion of meat with a meal. I have the odd fruit but I do however snack on yogurts, crips and occasional fast food, but not to the point where it should make me unhealthy as I am slim and muscular.


Image 1 (I had a shape up)


Image 2 (front shot and again with shape up)

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  • Senior Member

The first picture makes it look like you are undergoing at least some miniaturization and thus may be in the first stages of going bald. But it's not really enough data.


Diet is important for many things but is irrelevant for hair loss (except that malnutrition can cause reversible baldness that looks nothing like genetic male pattern baldness). The only treatment for baldness is medication: finnasteride or Rogaine.

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Originally posted by Marvin:

The first picture makes it look like you are undergoing at least some miniaturization and thus may be in the first stages of going bald. But it's not really enough data.


Diet is important for many things but is irrelevant for hair loss (except that malnutrition can cause reversible baldness that looks nothing like genetic male pattern baldness). The only treatment for baldness is medication: finnasteride or Rogaine.


I'd say my father is 4A and yeah that first image is from when I had a 'shape up' thus why my sideburns swurve in at a point. I'll try put an image up of my hairs condition now, it appears a lot better.

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  • Regular Member

Hello iamsobored-


Currently you have a nice head of hair. If you are worried about hair loss, I would recommend getting on Propecia and or using Rogaine.


As Marvin is pointing out in his post, it's nice that you are watching your diet. That's excellent for health benefits. Unfortunately for hair loss, you're wasting your time.


When you turn 18 which I believe is the legal age you can take Propecia, I would see a hair doc or your family doc and get on the meds. If you are indeed experiencing male pattern baldness, over the years the chances are it will only progress.


Also, if you get on the meds and it at least stops the thinning process, you will save thousands of dollars on hair transplants if that is the route you would go many years in the future.

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Originally posted by Obie one:

Hello iamsobored-


Currently you have a nice head of hair. If you are worried about hair loss, I would recommend getting on Propecia and or using Rogaine.


As Marvin is pointing out in his post, it's nice that you are watching your diet. That's excellent for health benefits. Unfortunately for hair loss, you're wasting your time.


When you turn 18 which I believe is the legal age you can take Propecia, I would see a hair doc or your family doc and get on the meds. If you are indeed experiencing male pattern baldness, over the years the chances are it will only progress.


Also, if you get on the meds and it at least stops the thinning process, you will save thousands of dollars on hair transplants if that is the route you would go many years in the future.


Thanks for the advice and the others advice. So would the suggested Propecia and Rogaine be safe to use even if my hair has not begun thinning or balding? Is there any negative effects to using it? Another thing is I am from the UK, do you know if its available here?

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  • Regular Member

I would recommend going to the area on this site where it says find a prescreened surgeon. Since you are in the UK, click on that area and you will find that there are two highly recommended docs.


If you are in there area, make an appointment and go see them. Write all of your questions down before going so you won't forget to ask anything.


I'm sure the docs will be happy to see you. You can ask them their advice on Propecia and Rogaine for preventative maintenance. You can also get a prescription from them for Propecia or Proscar, the generic version of Propecia.

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