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  • Senior Member

Hm, good question and one that isn't going to be easy to answer.


If you look at my photo album I have kept a pretty accurate "before" photo on top. There is no way to really tell how much density I had up there at the thinnest of areas, but it was pretty thin. The area forward of the ears that have hair now (except for the small part in the middle) is all attributed to Dr. Cooley and staff's skills. It's all transplanted. Any hair located from the ears back that I have grown is attributed to Proscar (until November '04), Minoxidil, Nizoral, and now, Avodart (since November '04).


My transplanted hair is around 40 to 45 grafts per square cm in most areas, obviously a wee bit sparser right at the front of the hairline. I have to tell you, though, I have never taken a photo at such close proximity to actually count, but its my best "guesstimation" from looking at it under bright lights.


I hope this helps. Let me know if I can answer any other questions.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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