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propecia side effects


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hey people i have been on propecia for about 6 months now and i have noticed some side effects like weight gain,face swelling and now i have troubles breathing propely i went to the doctors and they think i am crazy has anybody noticed these side effects aslo if so keep me posted

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With those kinds of side effects, are you sure that it is the Propecia that is causing them? Have you isolated other possible causes like diet, vitamins, etc?


Here are the list of side effects that users of Propecia reported during the clinical trials:


Like all prescription products, PROPECIA may cause side effects. In clinical studies, side effects from PROPECIA were uncommon and did not affect most men. A small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects. These men reported one or more of the following: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and, a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men. These side effects went away in men who stopped taking PROPECIA. They also disappeared in most men who continued taking PROPECIA.


In general use, the following have been reported: allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; breast tenderness and enlargement; and testicular pain. You should promptly report to your doctor any changes in your breasts such as lumps, pain or nipple discharge. Tell your doctor promptly about these or any other unusual side effects.


* PROPECIA can affect a blood test called PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) for the screening of prostate cancer. If you have a PSA test done, you should tell your doctor that you are taking PROPECIA.


If you are having trouble breathing from taking Propecia then you should definitely stop taking it and, if your present physician isn't professional enough to take you seriously, find one that will.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

These definitely do not sound like side effects of propecia/proscar. They sound like hypertension brought on by edema. You should look into a mild potassium sparing diuretic like Dyazide to counter this problem for you. A trip to the Dr & a blood pressure test is definitely in order.

6544 grafts - Dr Hasson 11/30/05

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