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Hi Guys


Hope you all enjoyed your fourth of July!! Since I live in the city from which our Independence originates, I got to view a wonderful parade right outside of my apartment. The lineup included a few of our troops, sponge bob, scooby doo,a Mummer's brigade, and a couple kick ass drill teams.


I wanted to ask you guys about Revivogen.


I am assuming that it is just bull, like everything else that claims to block DHT, or grow hair. (I know...only three proven drugs that work..Dutesteride,Finesteride (SP??) and Rogaine.)


But I read an article about it..(I think on Farrel's site)that it actually does inhibit DHT.


I was thinking about trying this, since my doctor will not prescribe me a DHT blocker because I am female. (Which is Bull!)


Just wanted to see if you guys knew anything about this? Thoughts??


Take Care


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Hi Guys


Hope you all enjoyed your fourth of July!! Since I live in the city from which our Independence originates, I got to view a wonderful parade right outside of my apartment. The lineup included a few of our troops, sponge bob, scooby doo,a Mummer's brigade, and a couple kick ass drill teams.


I wanted to ask you guys about Revivogen.


I am assuming that it is just bull, like everything else that claims to block DHT, or grow hair. (I know...only three proven drugs that work..Dutesteride,Finesteride (SP??) and Rogaine.)


But I read an article about it..(I think on Farrel's site)that it actually does inhibit DHT.


I was thinking about trying this, since my doctor will not prescribe me a DHT blocker because I am female. (Which is Bull!)


Just wanted to see if you guys knew anything about this? Thoughts??


Take Care


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  • Regular Member

although I know nothing about that drug you mentioned I do know this...


If you want proscar or propecia, or even dusteriade you can order it off line with no rx. For dusteriade I have only found one site that will sell it, but you need what they call an "online rx" it only works for them and it is like $70 for the "online rx" plus the pills are way marked up. You can always try saw palmetto. Although not proven to do anything really, I know it greatly reduced my shedded(from like 10-15 each time I ran a brush thru my hair, to less then 5, then I got on proscar and I loose a hair every 10 brushes or so.)




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  • Senior Member

I can't verify this, but I seem to remember hearing that one of those wonder potions (Avocor, I think) has Minoxydol as its main ingredient.


This would mean it may be legit, but may not be any breakthrough.


Sorry for being so vague. It is something to investigate. There must be a web site for Revivogen, no?

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