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  • Senior Member

I just ordered Proscar online from unitedpharmicies.com, anyone have any experience with this site. I know it was a bad idea but I wanted to start asap and getting into a doctor then being prescribed etc etc time was an issue so : / my question though is for those on Proscar, or those with any knowledge of it. Has anyone seen good results in regrowth and about how long till you seen a noticeable gain? Where exactly should I be looking for results...crown and top middle of head? Is that right!? and also how long till you noticed your hair loss stop or slow down? I want to keep a record and kind of base it along all of your results and experiences so I can see if its going to work for me or not! If I ever get it in the mail UT OH

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  • Senior Member

I just ordered Proscar online from unitedpharmicies.com, anyone have any experience with this site. I know it was a bad idea but I wanted to start asap and getting into a doctor then being prescribed etc etc time was an issue so : / my question though is for those on Proscar, or those with any knowledge of it. Has anyone seen good results in regrowth and about how long till you seen a noticeable gain? Where exactly should I be looking for results...crown and top middle of head? Is that right!? and also how long till you noticed your hair loss stop or slow down? I want to keep a record and kind of base it along all of your results and experiences so I can see if its going to work for me or not! If I ever get it in the mail UT OH

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