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Spencer Kobren said on his 1/13 radio show that he was re-evaluating the efficacy of low level laser treatment for hair loss (an option he had previously dismissed) and that his staff was getting some of these "Laser Combs" to evaluate them and provide some anecdotal evidence. Well, I'd rather have a consumer advocate of some sort (Kobren or other) really take a look into these things before I even considered it. Their website is typical of those we see for scam products or those with quite a few caveats.


The company advertising this product I believe claims it will reverse miniaturization. Usually if something sounds too good to be true, it's a scam or there's a BIG catch. A money-back guarantee does not make it a safer bet at all. I would not rely on their website arguments, for obvious reasons. Before you spend hundreds of your hard-earned dollars on this product I would wait to see what Kobren has to say about it after his staff uses it (the product's makers say it takes a few weeks to start seeing benefits, so that won't be anytime soon). Why should any of you fellas pay to test it when they're sending some to Kobren (albeit for free, as I recall).


My instinct is that it is, like most products, not what it is advertised to be, and be aware that there is a laser treatment in Europe that was highly touted and the company is now the target of a class action lawsuit due to the treatment's utter ineffectiveness. I do not know if the European laser technology this product refers to is the same. My strong advice to fellow posters is don't buy this thing until and unless Kobren gives it a big thumbs up. I don't think Kobren is a deity but he's the only real consumer advocate for hair loss sufferers out there and he turns down money from scam artists and he is bluntly honest about things like this.


Hair loss takes a lot out of people emotionally, it's hard to help that. It doesn't have to rob you blind too, that you can avoid by keeping a keen eye on these kinds of products.




[This message was edited by Questioner on January 20, 2002 at 10:05 AM.]

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