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This is my first post here. I'm just beginning research. I'm in my mid 30s. I've been told, based on photos I sent to a Doctor, that I'm a "3A with a persistent forelock". Otherwise my hair is generally pretty thick at the crown. I'm able to wear it in a fashion that doesn't draw attention to it, but it seems to have progressed significantly in the past 12 to 18 months.


As I've begun to do research, I realize there is a lot to this.


My plan is to get on something like Rogaine, then spend 6 to 12 months finding a good Doctor before moving forward. I suspect that, as I age, this condition will only progress. I want to be able to stay on top of it, rather than wait until I have more extensive loss before addressing it. My thinking is, that I'd like to find a Doctor that I can build a long term maintenance relationship with.


Does this sound like the right approach to take?


I'm not opposed to traveling for treatment, but I live in New York City, so I suspect there are good Doctors available locally.


I'm planning to have a consultation with Dr. True. I'm interested in hearing from others who are/have been patients of his, that could give me feedback.


Are there other Doctors in the New York area that anyone here recommends?


What advice can you give to someone just beginning this process?


What questions should I ask a Doctor?


What questions should I ask of people here?


Thank you for any advice.

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This is a great place to start your research as I did. Yes, True did my 2 procedures and I am extremely pleased 7 months into my second procedure. He has a good conservative approach which in my opinion is better suited for future hairloss factors. There are also some other great docs in NY as well like Dr. Feller, and I think Bernstein is there too.. Just do a search on the Coalition Dr.'s on this site for names.You should plan on meeting a couple of them and see which one you like the best.

Also, if I were you I would start on Propecia to halt your hairloss and start Rogaine as well ( I don't use Minoxidil as it's a pain in the butt)..

You seem like you have a good gameplan for your hairloss.


Good luck



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Originally posted by that_guy:

Thank you for the positive encouragement. May I ask, what is the reality of the "sexual side effects" of Propecia? I've heard the Jay Leno jokes.


The Bernstein you mention, Dr. Robert M. Bernstein, right? This may sound petty, but is it of concern to anyone that he has extensive hair loss himself, and doesn't feel inclined to address it? I'm sure it's silly of me to point it out. It looks like he has all kinds of credentials, and I guess he is very secure in himself and his looks, but does he really relate? If his procedures are that good, I guess he doesn't have to.


Dr. Feller has a real head of hair...


I'm almost embarrassed that I'm looking at them like that.


I don't ask this or think this way when I see other men, say, around the office (Or do I? I know I compare my hair loss to other guys- more hair than that guy, damn I use to have hair like that guy... etc.).


I just want to know that the person who is doing this work knows what this means to me. This is what people see as "me" when they look me in the face that we're talking about. I'm putting this in their hands.


Maybe this fellow Bernstein does really relate because he's lost a lot of hair, maybe he relates better than a guy like Feller with his thick mane!


The reality is, they all seem to have their expertise, and their bios are all very impressive. I just don't want to end up under the scalpel of some hack. None of these guys seem like hacks.


I really appreciate your reply. I suppose, having gone through this already yourself. You understand. I'm trying to be as objective, and practical, and rational about my inquiry as I can be, but deep down, I'm terrified of screwing it up.


Sorry for the ramble. I'll look into these other two as well. Probably after I have a consultation with Dr. True.


Thank you so much for your reply and your advice. This board is a real resource, I'm learning so much from just reading other people's posts.

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Originally posted by that_guy:

Originally posted by that_guy:

Thank you for the positive encouragement. May I ask, what is the reality of the "sexual side effects" of Propecia? I've heard the Jay Leno jokes.

Some guys report sides, most don't, but the thing about side effects is that sometimes you don't know if it's caused by something else and it's just easy to blame finasteride.

This may sound petty, but is it of concern to anyone that he has extensive hair loss himself, and doesn't feel inclined to address it?

Not really, it's up to him.

Dr. Feller has a real head of hair...


Yes, he does. And it was transplanted there by Dr. Seager in Toronto.


The reality is, they all seem to have their expertise, and their bios are all very impressive. I just don't want to end up under the scalpel of some hack. None of these guys seem like hacks.

None of the docs you're talking about here are hacks, you can rest easy with this list.

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Yes, all of the mentioned docs I'm sure would do a great job but you should meet them yourself! Go with your research and then gut feeling on which one is best for you..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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You have to "suffer" from baldness to want to get a transplant. After you lose you hair and have a family many guys could care less. When you are in your 20's and dating nothing is worse. There are guys with great hair that have all types of self-esteem problems unrelated to hair and so on. I think in Bernstein's case he does not have a strong donor area, plus he is most likely very comfortable with his hair. It ticks me off when guys on this forum make fun of Bernstein's baldness and then complain about others being mean about their loss of hair. HTs are available for those of us that have the money and for whatever reason feel compelled to get it done. From my personal experience Bernstein is very good, as it appears the other doctors noted on this site appear to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by spoon

Some guys report sides, most don't, but the thing about side effects is that sometimes you don't know if it's caused by something else and it's just easy to blame finasteride.


Ah. That makes a lot of sense. The age of your typical Propecia prescriber is the same age when most men begin to have such performance issues. That does make a lot of sense. Thank you for that insight.


Originally posted by Mrjb:

...Go with your research and then gut feeling...


Thank you for the encouragement.


I have a lot of work to do, and I hadn't been here in a few days, but I wanted to take the time to acknowledge some of the comments. Thank you.

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