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Rogaine VS Revivogen


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I am new on this site and have found it a great help. I am 24 and have had thinning of my hair for about 2 years more or less, and think it's about time to try some products. Please can I have some advice on which you would consider a more successful treatment Rogaine OR Revivogen.


Factors such as price, time and usability are not important, but what I would like to know is the best in terms of results.



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  • 1 year later...

I've been using Revivogen and I'm the 2 and bit month mark and I've started noticing some regrowth in front of my hairline. It's all still very new so I can't confirm whether it's totally working though I don't think hair has grown in front of the hairline before, so hopefully it's Revivogen! I've also been looking into adding some Minoxidil into my regime since I've heard it's more effective using both. Also, I started shedding at 19 and I'm now 21 so I've got three years to reverse and they say 3 years is usually the amount of hair that can be recovered. I'll update as soon as I noticed more of a difference.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi I am a 43 year old female. I have been using Minoxidil for over a year. I wasn't really losing my hair per se. I wanted to see if Minoxidil can make existing hair come in thicker. It can! My hair went from baby fine ( which I had all my life) to fine. I also wanted to see if it could fill in, what looked like a receding hairline. It did, but the hair wasn't profuse. I also noticed hair growth all over my head. Even the back, but especially the hairline in the front. I was also applying it to my eyebrows. I always had to use eyebrow pencil. It made my eyebrows come in longer, where I have to cut them now, darker and fuller. I no longer need to use eyebrow pencil. My eyelashes also grew longer and darker. That effect came from the medication in the blood stream. Granted my arm hair also is longer and darker but it is no big deal. I just want to say this stuff really works. I also suggest taking Lysine ( an amino acid) it slows hair loss.

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