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Hair Shedding 1 yr after Transplant, Help


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I am freaking out now!


I had my HT in VC in March 2003 w/ 2500 FU's, And I have been on Proscar(1.25mg) daily since then. I am quite satisfied with the final result of the HT at the end of 11 months (Feb).

However, for the last month or so, I started noticing that I have been shedding hair at the alarming rate. The shedding mostly occur at the recipient area. My FU's is falling off.


My hair (in the recipient area) look thinner & worse than before noticeably.



I know shedding supposed to happen when you first start taking Propecia, but I have been on it for a year.


Anyone experience this? Is the transplanted hair gone permanently, or this is just the shedding phase, and the hair will grow back?


any ideas or am I totally screwed?


[This message was edited by Kevint on March 11, 2004 at 06:37 PM.]

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I am freaking out now!


I had my HT in VC in March 2003 w/ 2500 FU's, And I have been on Proscar(1.25mg) daily since then. I am quite satisfied with the final result of the HT at the end of 11 months (Feb).

However, for the last month or so, I started noticing that I have been shedding hair at the alarming rate. The shedding mostly occur at the recipient area. My FU's is falling off.


My hair (in the recipient area) look thinner & worse than before noticeably.



I know shedding supposed to happen when you first start taking Propecia, but I have been on it for a year.


Anyone experience this? Is the transplanted hair gone permanently, or this is just the shedding phase, and the hair will grow back?


any ideas or am I totally screwed?


[This message was edited by Kevint on March 11, 2004 at 06:37 PM.]

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hey , Im really sorry to here about your situation

who was your Dr ?

Also I thought that generally your recipient hair was supposed to be pretty robust , i.e may thin out & a little shed over many yers, but after a year ?


The only thing I can think of , is that the hair you have shed is the hair that was originally there & not the FU's , was that area bald or very thin before ?

I realise that you havnt quit proscar but I was under the belief that even if you stopped taking proscar , that your transplanted hair was not at risk of falling out ? only your "old hair " for want of a better word.

please keep us informed with regards this matter,

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Hair transplants in many cases are Not necessarily 100% Permanent. Even on proscar.


There are cases of several guys even from 'top' clinics where transplants later fell out. Myself i had plugs 14 years ago, and they thinned out also.


If your losing hair, esp. young guys, many guys are also thinning out/losing hair in the donor area.


So there is quite a possibility your losing density of transplants in the recepient area as well.

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The shedding has been stabilized for the last few

days. I notice that I am loosing density. I

look much thinner a month or two ago noticeably. I don't expect my new FU's will get thinned out after only one year.

It could have been stress. It could have been that my barber was not gentle, and too rough when he comb to cut my hair, causing it to fall off in mass.



The doc suggested me to go to the dermatologist to get my scalp check up for alopecia (spelling?) symtom. And if that's the case, nothing he could do about it. (what's the point then?) My scalp is not oily, or anything like that.. and I am shampooing everyday. Not sure if the shampoo have anything to w/ it.


I am very sure what I am shedding is the new FU's, not original hair.


I am still on ProScar, wouldn't take a chance of quitting it to preserve what I have left. Just hope & pray that the shedding stop and shedded hair will grow back (in theory, it won't)

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