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My Opine on Impatience


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I thought I was a patient person. I know I need to wait for results. After all, I read many reviews and everyone, categorically knows about the post HT wait. Somehow, I thought my wait would be more like waiting for my dinner at a restaurant. The only difference I have found is that you don't get any fulfilling appetizers to hold you over (maybe a cracker here or there).

Here I am only 2 months postop and already paranoia sets in. I mean I wonder hmmmm how is it that all this hair is going to magically pop out of my head. I saw with my own two eyes that transplanted follicles...the post op shedding and redness that ensued. Somehow, I know that something will happen... still I worry. I mean I see all these other people with their pictures of success. I remind myself that it is only two months and that most people see nothing until 4 months at the earliest...still I worry. I had a fantastic surgeon and was so pumped after surgery yet still I stress out and look at a calender. I start thinking about success ratios and other things like that. I guess all these paranoid, impatient thoughts go through other post HT folks minds. At least I hope they do....I am I alone in my mental waiting worries? Did anyone out there start stressing about results while you waited and did everything work out on the timetable like you were told. Cheer me up and take away my paranoia please..... Calgon take me away icon_wink.gif

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I thought I was a patient person. I know I need to wait for results. After all, I read many reviews and everyone, categorically knows about the post HT wait. Somehow, I thought my wait would be more like waiting for my dinner at a restaurant. The only difference I have found is that you don't get any fulfilling appetizers to hold you over (maybe a cracker here or there).

Here I am only 2 months postop and already paranoia sets in. I mean I wonder hmmmm how is it that all this hair is going to magically pop out of my head. I saw with my own two eyes that transplanted follicles...the post op shedding and redness that ensued. Somehow, I know that something will happen... still I worry. I mean I see all these other people with their pictures of success. I remind myself that it is only two months and that most people see nothing until 4 months at the earliest...still I worry. I had a fantastic surgeon and was so pumped after surgery yet still I stress out and look at a calender. I start thinking about success ratios and other things like that. I guess all these paranoid, impatient thoughts go through other post HT folks minds. At least I hope they do....I am I alone in my mental waiting worries? Did anyone out there start stressing about results while you waited and did everything work out on the timetable like you were told. Cheer me up and take away my paranoia please..... Calgon take me away icon_wink.gif

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  • Regular Member




You are experiencing the EXACT same thing that everyone else does. The waiting is by far the hardest part of the whole deal. Don't stress my friend and just try to get your mind off of it and think about something pleasant. Growing hair is kind of like watching grass grow. The harder you watch it the slower it grows.

Even when it starts growing it's still growing hair and it takes time. My suggestion is to set your sights on something you plan to do in six or seven months from now and think about how different you will look then.


Killin time will kill ya if you think about it all the time.

Happy growing! you don't have long to go!


Nashville Kat

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  • Senior Member

I'm only 5 weeks post op and I'm starting to feel the same way. This waiting sucks!. Especially when there is absolutely nothing going on up there. I'm trying to focus on next years summer vacation. I should have hair by then, shouldn't I?


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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  • Regular Member

I'm 5 weeks post op myself and its not so much been the waiting as it is the second guessing about the decision. It's definitely been a more emotional experience than I would have guessed. I remember being so pumped right after surgery. Seeing the shadow of the new hairline was cool. It was hard to see those pups fall out en masse about two weeks out. The redness is finally starting to blend in. The tightness is gone. The itching donor scar is gone. The weird sensations in remote untouched parts of the scalp is gone. Everywhere there were graft set there was a large amount of shock loss, but I think the worst is over. I suppose I was a nutjob to think that it would all be cleared up in two weeks and then it would be back to normal and I could just forget about it until January. icon_wink.gif


Good to know there are plenty of other folks out there having the same thoughts. And the majority of the folks out there show really good results in the end. Here's hoping for majority status! See you in 2 more months.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Guys,


You are experiencing the typical emotions post HT. You are WAY early, interestingly, when you get to about 11 months like me, you are hoping for more growth in the future! Best of luck.


Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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