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I'm getting my first procedure done Monday!!!


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PD is right about the "hard earned money" but your hair you can't get back working an 8 hour day for a thousand year's. Only God can give you that hair the Doctor is moveing around. So don't goto anyone that will put some of it in the trash can so they can go home early.

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Disclaimer: I am not a qualified medical professional nor do i work for any doctor, hence these are my personal and honest views. Hopefully I will benefit someone as I had benefitted from this awesome forum.


My HT blog - 2600 - Dr. Feller: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/blog/68/


photo album: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PD/albums/135

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Work has been really hectic here lately and I haven't had time to check this site. I'm sure you know by now the removal of the stiches was a minor discomfort; However, I was told if you don't clean the donor area as instructed by the doc larger scabs can form adding to the discomfort. I did what Dr. Charles said and had no problem. In fact I had to leave mine in a little longer than normal due to vacation.

In regards to the hair count, I have no idea. What I did is consult with 4 different Doctors in the area and decided on Dr. Charles because he seemed to be honest and straight forward.

I went to a couple of consultations before Dr. Charles and met with sales people not doctors. They really made me question as to whether to have the procedure done or not. I felt they were in it for the money and not to help me.

As I said I went with Dr. Charles because he is very up front with you and tells you exactly what to expect and the thought of him misleading me about the amount of transplanted hairs never crossed my mind. He really seemed to care about my results as much as I did. Before this sounds too much like a commercial I better stop.

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We had our procedures done fairly close together. Mine was done on 06/24/2003. Its been almost 3 monthes now. My barber says he can see improvement in the crown area (Still very thin) but I haven't seen much growth in the temple area. Dr. Charles said I could expect to start seeing growth between 90 - 120 days and continued growth over the next year. I'll keep you posted.


[This message was edited by My1stHT on September 16, 2003 at 05:46 PM.]

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My 1st,


I also had my HT performed on 6/24/2003 (3,313 FU strip) and have noticed strong growth in the temples but am having a hard time estimating growth elsewhere since I was not slick bald in any other areas.


Thanks for the 90 - 120 days mark for new growth since my left temple has 1 cm2 of no growth yet. The rest of the left and right temples are covered in new hair but that one spot is empty.


I hope it wakes up soon otherwise I'll be combing my hair to the left icon_wink.gif

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Glad to hear you are having good results. We are almost at the 90 day mark so now I'm checking twice a day for the new growth. Dr. Charles did put me at ease for awhile with the 90 - 120 day info. I'll just sit back and wait. Keep me posted and I'll do the same. Good Luck!!!

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