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What is the quickest growth time?


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Hello everyone. Those that may recall I had My 6th procedure on January 21st (1500+Fu's)with Summit Hair, in Clearwater, Florida. My first 5 HT were Mini/Micro's from 89 thru 1994. I am at the one month Post Op mark and having some serious growth on the front hairline. My past experience taught me that by using Rogaine after the 5th day, speed up my new hair dropping and made way for the transplanted hair to start growing. My best time with the first 5 procedures for new growth was 2 months and 2 weeks post op. This time I have been using 5% minoxidil and Propecia daily. My transplanted hair dropped at day 7 thru 14, except for about 1% of the long hairs. At about day 28 Post Op, I used a magnifying glass to take a look at the results and was very surprised to see small hairs breaking through the skin. As of this writing, I have serious growth. This growth is only taking place on the hairline where I haven't had hair for 18 years. I am wondering if someone could share with me information about new FUT growth. Is it possible the early growth is due to the synergy of combining Minoxidil and Propecia or is it due to being in an area where no hair or scar tissue from past transplants exist? I know some will say that this hair is not the permanent hair that I am seeing. However, I am an old Veteran at this game and do believe these are the new FUT's. Plus, I witnessed the original grafted hairs fall. If a Doc would like to comment I would be interested in their experience with new growth. The crown area new FUT's have not began to grow as yet. However, most of the hair in that area was transplanted there years ago. Thanks, Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_smile.gificon_cool.gificon_razz.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hello everyone. Those that may recall I had My 6th procedure on January 21st (1500+Fu's)with Summit Hair, in Clearwater, Florida. My first 5 HT were Mini/Micro's from 89 thru 1994. I am at the one month Post Op mark and having some serious growth on the front hairline. My past experience taught me that by using Rogaine after the 5th day, speed up my new hair dropping and made way for the transplanted hair to start growing. My best time with the first 5 procedures for new growth was 2 months and 2 weeks post op. This time I have been using 5% minoxidil and Propecia daily. My transplanted hair dropped at day 7 thru 14, except for about 1% of the long hairs. At about day 28 Post Op, I used a magnifying glass to take a look at the results and was very surprised to see small hairs breaking through the skin. As of this writing, I have serious growth. This growth is only taking place on the hairline where I haven't had hair for 18 years. I am wondering if someone could share with me information about new FUT growth. Is it possible the early growth is due to the synergy of combining Minoxidil and Propecia or is it due to being in an area where no hair or scar tissue from past transplants exist? I know some will say that this hair is not the permanent hair that I am seeing. However, I am an old Veteran at this game and do believe these are the new FUT's. Plus, I witnessed the original grafted hairs fall. If a Doc would like to comment I would be interested in their experience with new growth. The crown area new FUT's have not began to grow as yet. However, most of the hair in that area was transplanted there years ago. Thanks, Jebster icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_smile.gificon_cool.gificon_razz.gif

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That's interesting. I had 2800 FU's on Feb 4th. I'm now 17 days post op and I have seen very little if any FU's drop out. Yet yours dropped out 7 to 14 days post op.


My dr gave me Rogaine, but said nothing has been proven that it will speed up the recovery period. Nonetheless, he gave it to me. We agreed it couldn't hurt. To be honest, I only use it around my old "plugs", as I've experienced severe shock loss with these old "plugs".

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