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Propecia, Proscar, Adovart, Generic?

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  • Senior Member

What To DO!!

I am going to begin taking one of these medications and needed some advice and information so I can make the best choice.


1. If I bough Propecia 1mg tablets, would I be able to split those in half and take a half a day? Would that be sufficient enough?


2.Ive been readint about Generic Propecia, is that any good?


3.Proscar is 5mg a tablet, what is recommended best dosage a day to hault/stop hairloss of finasteride?


So I need a basic overall experienced point of view on this n what will work best for me and my pocket. Also any reliable internet sites that sell these products? Thanks a ton guys!

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  • Senior Member

What To DO!!

I am going to begin taking one of these medications and needed some advice and information so I can make the best choice.


1. If I bough Propecia 1mg tablets, would I be able to split those in half and take a half a day? Would that be sufficient enough?


2.Ive been readint about Generic Propecia, is that any good?


3.Proscar is 5mg a tablet, what is recommended best dosage a day to hault/stop hairloss of finasteride?


So I need a basic overall experienced point of view on this n what will work best for me and my pocket. Also any reliable internet sites that sell these products? Thanks a ton guys!

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  • Senior Member

and does anyone have experience with a pill cutter and can point me in the right direction of one thats not just gonna smush it n get powder everywhere.


I forget to ask, whats all about this fincare, generic proscar, looks like its the way to go. Anyone have experience with it or any imformational advice? Would I be screwing myself looking to buy into that just like the generic propecia

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  • Regular Member

diamondlight..i use propecia and split them in half and take .5mgs a day, a full pill is 1mg. Dont know about the generic form but i assume it's just as good. If u want proscar then you quarter it and take 1.25mgs a day. You can get a pill cutter at any pharmacy..walgreens, eckard etc..I got mine at walgreens..it works fine.

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