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What do you think I should do?

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Hey everyone,


This is my first post to this community and after reading a heap of all of your questions, answers and support ??“ am very impressed and pleased that I've joined you all!


I'm 21, male and from Australia and am suffering from pre-mature balding. I had noticed early signs when I was 18 and 19, but in the past year my hair loss seems to have gotten a lot worse, considering my age. It got so bad that 6 months ago I ordered GLH or ??Good Looking Hair' as it is referred to and I have been using that once a week to cover my balding and thinning crown. I use GLH so well, that even my girlfriend who I live with ??“ can't tell that I'm balding on top. For the time being, it's definitely doing its job and I honestly would be lost without it (and no, this isn't a cheesy testimonial!).


The problem I have now is that every single time I wash my hair to not only clean it, but also remove the entire GLH agent, I look at the back of my hair and it is noticeably getting thinner and thinner every single month. So while the rest of the world seems to think I have a full crop of hair, I'm stuck with this dark little secret which seems to be the only thing I ever think about all day. When I discussed this with my hair dresser, he told me there were other real alternatives such as medication and hair transplants.


After reading through a lot of local and international articles and reports on hair replacement medication, they seemed to be what I was looking for. However, all of them seem to mention that the daily routine of scalp massaging. For me this seems nearly impossible due to the GLH product in my hair. Of course, I could wash it out and stop using it and start on the medication but to the rest of the world I would go bald overnight. I'm stuck between saving face and trying to help my natural growth. Furthermore, a lot of the medication mentioned also includes a long expectancy waiting time and a lot of ??maybes' for things to go right and also state that as soon as you stop using the particular medication, you will go bald again!


I know there is no quick fix and that this will always be an on-going process, but I really want something which will give me the best possible results in hopefully a relatively short amount of time. Which brings me to the possibility of a hair transplant (I'm sorry if I'm rambling on). I am not concerned about the cost associated with the procedure but more about its effects and success.


I have plans to go and see a specialist hair group sometime in the near future but wanted some real advice from real people just like you, without the hard sell.


1) From what I've mentioned, do you guys think it's what I should be looking at?


2) Like you, I value my privacy above all other things. Is this the kind of procedure (hair transplant) that I could have done without the knowledge of friends and family around me?


3) And for those of you who have had transplants, did you get the results you wanted to out it?


Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say ??“ I really appreciate it!

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  • Regular Member

Hey everyone,


This is my first post to this community and after reading a heap of all of your questions, answers and support ??“ am very impressed and pleased that I've joined you all!


I'm 21, male and from Australia and am suffering from pre-mature balding. I had noticed early signs when I was 18 and 19, but in the past year my hair loss seems to have gotten a lot worse, considering my age. It got so bad that 6 months ago I ordered GLH or ??Good Looking Hair' as it is referred to and I have been using that once a week to cover my balding and thinning crown. I use GLH so well, that even my girlfriend who I live with ??“ can't tell that I'm balding on top. For the time being, it's definitely doing its job and I honestly would be lost without it (and no, this isn't a cheesy testimonial!).


The problem I have now is that every single time I wash my hair to not only clean it, but also remove the entire GLH agent, I look at the back of my hair and it is noticeably getting thinner and thinner every single month. So while the rest of the world seems to think I have a full crop of hair, I'm stuck with this dark little secret which seems to be the only thing I ever think about all day. When I discussed this with my hair dresser, he told me there were other real alternatives such as medication and hair transplants.


After reading through a lot of local and international articles and reports on hair replacement medication, they seemed to be what I was looking for. However, all of them seem to mention that the daily routine of scalp massaging. For me this seems nearly impossible due to the GLH product in my hair. Of course, I could wash it out and stop using it and start on the medication but to the rest of the world I would go bald overnight. I'm stuck between saving face and trying to help my natural growth. Furthermore, a lot of the medication mentioned also includes a long expectancy waiting time and a lot of ??maybes' for things to go right and also state that as soon as you stop using the particular medication, you will go bald again!


I know there is no quick fix and that this will always be an on-going process, but I really want something which will give me the best possible results in hopefully a relatively short amount of time. Which brings me to the possibility of a hair transplant (I'm sorry if I'm rambling on). I am not concerned about the cost associated with the procedure but more about its effects and success.


I have plans to go and see a specialist hair group sometime in the near future but wanted some real advice from real people just like you, without the hard sell.


1) From what I've mentioned, do you guys think it's what I should be looking at?


2) Like you, I value my privacy above all other things. Is this the kind of procedure (hair transplant) that I could have done without the knowledge of friends and family around me?


3) And for those of you who have had transplants, did you get the results you wanted to out it?


Thank you so much, I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say ??“ I really appreciate it!

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  • Senior Member

You have come to the right place to ask your many questions and it will take a long time to answer them all.Search through the posts to find some of the answers and asks questions if you are not sure.One thing I will tell you is there are no "specialist hair groups" only specialist "sales" groups, their main objective is to sell you their substandard usually disfiguring and sometimes dangerous product .Independant doctors concentrate on results corporations concentrate on getting your money.Of the thousands of doctors performing this procedure only a handful can do it with a positive result, it is a field like no other where the patient must fully educate himself to an "expert" level in order that he does not become the victim of an unethical and unskilled doctor.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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First of all get real about the fact that its only YOU (or your significant other) that cares anything about what you look like. Get on proscar to stop the loss. Privacy: family and friends...see above....your family and friends will only see what ever you do as positive. So what if they know (they are your family and friends)? Results: choose a good doc, and you will have results...your only problem is your young. Heres your quote "the rest of the world seems to think I have a full crop of hair" no one cares about YOUR hair!. No one goes through this stuff for any body but themselves.

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Thanks for replying Mahair and John Se, I appreciate your feedback.


I was aware that there would always be corporations acting as the face of ??specialists' but it wasn't until your post Mahair, that I realised just how important it is to choose the right doctor. I assumed that any so called specialist in this field would be required to have vast experience but after doing some more research today, it's really opened my eyes.


Even though I have become aware this, it still seems like a daunting process trying to weed out the good doctors from the so called specialists. Everything I read online I end up asking myself, is this a paid sales pitch or the real thing? Some Australian doctors have websites I have been reading, and they look very similar to the webpages I was looking at earlier (the companies you were talking about) so it's still a task. But from what I understand, you are saying I should only consult directly with doctors and not ??specialist hair groups' and then leave my options open from there?


John Se, I agree with everything you said. I know I am the only one that cares about this, but it still bothers me a lot. I have a lot of self pride, but even more surface pride and it's something which I'm just going to have to deal with. After your Proscar recommendation, I've just read a lot on the drug and think it would be perfect given the circumstances. My only question in regards to it, is should I consult a professional before I begin using it? And another final point, in your reply you said ??Results: choose a good doc, and you will have results...your only problem is your young.' .... What did you mean by this?


Thanks guys.

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Young because your hair loss is just beginning, for me I had hair loss from about 23 on and did the HT 18 months ago when I was 41. I was a NW4a. The downside is that if they replant hair in front of your existing hair will you lose more of your existing hair?.. BTW look on the chart and categorize your hair loss. Lucky for me Proscar seems to have dramatically haulted my hair loss and the HT restored my Hairline and filled in my crown.

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