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Taking Popecia and using Toppik...


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I'm just wondering if using Toppik while on Propecia will affect the results of Propecia. I'm in a situation where there is absolutley no reason why I should not get some regrowth with Propecia but I want to cover it up until then. But if Toppik hinders Propecia for some reason, I'll stay away from it.



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I'm just wondering if using Toppik while on Propecia will affect the results of Propecia. I'm in a situation where there is absolutley no reason why I should not get some regrowth with Propecia but I want to cover it up until then. But if Toppik hinders Propecia for some reason, I'll stay away from it.



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Rest assured that Toppik will not have any influence on whether or not Propecia will work for you. It would be like saying, "If I use hairspray, or hair gel, will it keep Propecia from working on me?"


Toppik is not medicinal in any way. It is purely a cover up. Like I said, it is like using hairspray. More accurately, it is like sprinkling Parmesean cheese on your plate of pasta. (Your hair is the plate of pasta ... Toppik is the Parmesean cheese.)The fibers in Toppik get trapped between your existing hairs and give the impression that you have more hair. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Propecia works systemically by blocking DHT. You could put a vat of vaseline on your head, and it wouldn't change the effect that Propecia has. (Although I wouldn't recommend it icon_eek.gif.)

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