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To all surgeons - 153 days!


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I'm probably like many other guys who experience anxiety about evertything to do with hair transplantation. I'm currently 153 days post operation 2600 grafts in frontal area (Norwood class 3)& I need to know what to expect in the coming months. Whilst my surgeon has told me has closely packed the grafts in there still seems to be gaps between each of the grafts. Will this thicken up, is it likely that new hairs are still in the process of growing through? I'm really struggling with this whole issue. Can youadvise me please?

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I'm probably like many other guys who experience anxiety about evertything to do with hair transplantation. I'm currently 153 days post operation 2600 grafts in frontal area (Norwood class 3)& I need to know what to expect in the coming months. Whilst my surgeon has told me has closely packed the grafts in there still seems to be gaps between each of the grafts. Will this thicken up, is it likely that new hairs are still in the process of growing through? I'm really struggling with this whole issue. Can youadvise me please?

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  • Senior Member

take it easy.

I had 1800 grafts also about 5 months ago.

have a look here http://users.pandora.be/bverotti/haartransplantatie/bverottimain.html


Real visible growth started at around 4 months in my cause. Dont expect hair density like when you where 15 of age.

Consultant-co owner Prohairclinic (FUE only) in Belgium, Dr. De Reys.


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Yeah RNA I had Dr White do my transplant. I did the necessary research on surgeons in Australia who were specifically doing hair transplants alone & not dabbling with other types of cosmetic surgery. I went & saw Barry White on many occasions & I was quite satisfied that he was the right guy for the job. He's a very approachable, easy going & understanding type of guy & not once did I feel any pressure to go ahead with the procedure. As you may alredy know the operation is pain free and the technical staff at the surgery are very good. I guess I'm at the stage where I'm keeping a pretty close eye on how my grafts are coming along & my hope for the coming months is to see some thickening up & perhaps a few more grafts to start coming through. I'm at 5 months post op now & I've been told that some people see growth earlier than some & vice versa. Incidentally what are you thinking of having done?

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Hairs will be fine to start with, then thicken up in time. I would say wait until 8 months AT LEAST to see what your going to see. A full year though is the best indication because all hairs should be thickened by then and what you see after 1 year is what your going to get !!



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Aussie boy,


I'm a norwood 3a. I'm thinking of doing up the hair line and thickening the crown. Where in australia are you do you mind me asking. Was also wondering if I can get your email address to ask you a few more questions if you don't mind that is. I haven't actually spoken to Barry yet. I've spoken to Marcus and Claude up here in sydney. Can I ask you what norwood you were and how many grafts did you get done? Thanks for your reply Aussie boy. This board is really good to do research on HT's but it's sort of hard because everyone talks about US Docs but not many talk about Aussie Docs. Thanks again


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I had a total of 2622 grafts (paid for 2500). As I said earlier I'm now hoping for some extra thickness & as you may have read from one of the guys - TopJimmy reckons 8 months I should see some good results. I'm hoping like hell he's right. I was a Norwood class 3 & my hairline was gradually going back.The hairline has now been brought forward and in terms of appearance from the front looks infinitely better but I'm pretty pedantic & want it to thicken up so it looks fantastic. Time will tell! I'm from Melbourne, so to go & see Barry regularly before deciding what I was going to do was not an issue. In fact I probably went & saw him 4-5 occasions as well as 2 seminars.This was certainly worthwhile. See if you can see Barry himself & ask him all you need to. I think this is probably the way to go. By the way my email address is jahassett@hotmail.com Take it easy mate.

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  • Regular Member

After having 6 procedures, I think 8 months will show all hair that is going to grow. After that, it will thicken and lengthen of course. After a year, the lengthened hairs will give a thicker appearance of course.


Thanks -

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