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Influence in age for HT

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  • Senior Member

Hi, i often heard from people that i should wait with a transplant cause i only 21, but i cant see why, can anyone tell me, i think it is as bad for someone of my age to lose hear than an older guy, it is probebly even worse for someone younger i guess, can anyone tell me why that is said? Thanks



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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  • Senior Member

Hi, i often heard from people that i should wait with a transplant cause i only 21, but i cant see why, can anyone tell me, i think it is as bad for someone of my age to lose hear than an older guy, it is probebly even worse for someone younger i guess, can anyone tell me why that is said? Thanks



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Guest Pumpkinhole

i don't think there's a specific age you should be before you're ready for a ht, but you want to maximize the chances of it being a long-term success and minimize the chances of disapointment.


first of all, you're young, and it may be difficult to determine how much hairloss you will ultimately have (even taking family members into consideration). second, you have to be prepared to be in this for the long haul. that may not sound like a problem now, but believe me it will be if 25 years from now you have patches of transplanted hair surrounded by bald scalp and you can't or no longer want to invest in this long-term procedure.


cures are not here yet, and it's a bad strategy to start out hoping there will be before you have serious problems. a cautious approach will minimize the chances of disapointment in the long-term.


for now you would likely be best served by medical therapy (finasteride, rogaine) and lots of education about this very bewildering subject. you want to make an educated, careful decision that will yield the best possible result, not an emotional act of desperation that will adversely affect you for the rest of your life.

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  • Senior Member

Hey there. I saw your photos. That is a tough one, esp for 21.


Defenitely stay on propecia and minoxidil for at least 12 months and dont rush into a transplant. At 21, with that hairloss, youll probably head to a norwood 6 within a few years.


How is your father and other family members hairloss? Are they completely bald?


Again be very careful and take a slow approach. Defenitely want to give the medicines a try for at least a year.

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How is your father and other family members hairloss? Are they completely bald?




wow, i really lost track of this thread, sorry man. Well, that is another thing, my father is 55 and has NO hairloss at all, not even receding temples, my brother, who is 26 now also has NO hairloss, my grandfather diede at the age of 80 or something with, believe it or not, NO hairloss. I am the screwed one in the family, i realy am. Only my grandfather at mothers side was about a NW4 when he was 75 or so. 75!!! Also none of the females in my family have any kind of hairloss.



At 21, with that hairloss, youll probably head to a norwood 6 within a few years.




In case of the quote i added, what makes you say that? I am on proscar for about a month now, so too soon to tell if it works or not. Please not that when i looked at pics of me being 17, i already have some little recession of the teples, realy not that much, probably a NW2 at most. So now, almost 5 years later i upped 1 class on the NW-scale ( at most!!! ) because i realy dont think i already am a NW3. My assumption is that i am somewhere in the middle.


So my question is:

if i lost not that much ( keeping that every lost hair is VERY MUCH out of consideration ) in 5 years time with no meds, wont it be possible that i lose less in the next 5 with the meds? I can already guess the answers i am going to receive but please, give me some good news for a change icon_rolleyes.gif MAKE ME HAPPY icon_razz.gif



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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Check out this site here:




I guess i was about a 2, maybe just a bit over, on the savin scale at the age of 17 and now am a NW2 going to a 3:




I am getting 22 in december so it might be 4,5 years in between those 2.


Please comment, thanks.



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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