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Sexual side effects w/ Minoxidil


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Hi guys, I have recently started using minoxidil 5%. I have been using it by itself. It has been a month now but I haven't noticed any changes yet as far hair growth. But the hair shedding did decrease noticeably.


I am very ashamed even to bring this up, but I have been experiencing some sexual difficulties. I am suspecting Minoxidil has something to with it. I was with a girl few nights ago and I barely got it hard. It was very embarrassing and sad icon_frown.gif.


Have any of you experienced what I am going through? Should I just stop using minoxidil?


I greatly appreciate any help.


Thank you.

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  • Senior Member



Welcome to the forums.


Sexual side effects are NOT common with the use of minoxidil (Rogaine) and are not even listed in the side effects portion of literature that accompanies Rogaine Extra Strength Formula, Rogaine Regular Strength Formula, or Rogaine Foam that I know of.


Rogaine can cause a rapid heartbeat, which is the closest side effect that I can guess would give you that sort of problem. If you really suspect the Rogaine, why not give your doc a call? Couldn't hurt.


From Rogaine's website:


Stop use and ask a doctor if


* chest pain, rapid heartbeat, faintness, or dizziness occurs

* sudden, unexplained weight gain occurs

* your hands or feet swell

* scalp irritation or redness occurs

* unwanted facial hair growth occurs

* you do not see hair regrowth in 4 months






Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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